Bonus - Father's Day

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Six years after epilogue

Dedicated to BeachyCreek, I hope it brightens your day.

Aaron and Victoria were snuggled up in bed one early summer evening. It was getting close to bed time and the children were playing around as usual. They were watching a movie when their three kids walked into the room.

"Mom, dad, we have something we want to say," Jack said in his lawyer voice.

Aaron raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Well you know the rules of this house hold. State your case and the family will put a vote."

The Hotchner family was a democracy. It was the only way they could stay sane with three intelligent children. The main rule was, don't speak languages that aren't common tongue. For example, Italian is only allowed if mom or grandpa Rossi were in the room. If it was just then with dad then English was the only language allowed. It was their way of trying to keep the children from plotting world domination or mischievous misadventures.

Jack cleared his throat as he prepared to read the statement they had drafted. "We, the Hotchner children, have unanimously decided to request the following."

James took the paper from Jack and continued, "Our request: we would like a younger sibling."

Victoria nudged Aaron. "What do you have to say to our children?"

Aaron gave her a look. "Do you really want me to respond right now because there are two things I'd like to say in response." She hit him on the shoulder as she knew what he was referencing.

Adeline cleared her throat, "Shall we vote?"

Victoria replied, "I think you've made it quite clear what the response is. Three against two wins majority vote."

Aaron smirked, "Four against one."

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Of course you'd vote in favor. I have no objections if everyone else is in favor."

James grinned, "Uncle Spence and Uncle Takuma are taking us to the museum tomorrow."

Aaron furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't we have a case tomorrow?"

"It's Saturday tomorrow," James replied. "No work on weekends."

"Well then off to bed," Victoria stated. "Dad will be in shortly to read you a bedtime story."

The twins left to their room while Jack climbed into bed with them. He nestled up against his mom. Victoria couldn't help but remember how little he used to be.

"What's the matter?" She stroked his chestnut hair. "Are you having nightmares again?"

"I just want you to hold me," he replied.

Victoria smiled, "Of course my little bambino. Anything you want."

Aaron went to tuck in the twins. Bed time stories were always more advanced than he remembered when Jack was their age. He was surprised that the twins loved classical literature rather than children's novels. Of course they read all sorts of books but they loved the classics.

After tucking all three children into bed the couple had their own conversation. Only one bedside lamp was on as they lay in bed.

"I can't believe our children want a little brother or sister," Aaron said.

"It's been six years since we've had to deal with diapers and potty training was three or so years ago. Are we really going to dive back in to that?"

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