Bonus - Mother's Day

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Six year time skip from Epilogue

The Hotchner children were plotting something one Friday afternoon. There was no doubt in Aaron's mind. Jack was the strategist of the family which meant that more than likely they would be following his lead. Aaron chuckled as he just let his children have their fun. Victoria was currently trying to help Stephen care for his newborn son meaning that Aaron was left alone with his three children.

The couple had contemplated having another child but ultimately decided that three was enough. After all with James and Adeline they had their hands full. Being born on April Fool's should have been indication enough for them. They were thankful that Jack kept his siblings in check like a good older brother.

A knock at the door could be heard and Aaron responded to find Gibbs at the door with gifts. "Gibbs, come on in. How was Mexico?"

"Relaxing. How are my favorite grandkids," Gibbs asked.

"Plotting," Aaron chuckled.

"Well it is Mother's Day this Sunday." Aaron paused. "Oh come on, don't tell me you forgot."

"We just got back from a case. My sense of time is a bit jaded," Aaron admitted.

"Come on Aaron, six years of marriage and you forgot Mother's Day."

"It's Sunday so I have time. So technically I've beeb reminded."

Gibbs rolled his eyes. "Have you forgotten any anniversaries?"

"No, but we did forget to celebrate my birthday one year."

"You were on a case. Your fault."

"It was the arsonist's fault," Aaron corrected. "I haven't missed any anniversaries, birthdays, and I try my best for school meetings and recitals and games."

Gibbs chuckled, "Jack and Addie are proving to be good athletes."

"James is the academic," Aaron added. "They all have their skills."

"James is also the one who shares the same fascination with motorcycles that Victoria does."

"That is true."

The children seemed to have seen them talking and made their way from the backyard to the front door.

"Grandpa," they all exclaimed.

Jack happily greeted Gibbs with a hug while Adeline and James opted for kisses and hugs. "Are you all excited for Mother's Day," Gibbs asked them.

They all nodded and James said, "We're planning a big surprise for mom."

"Children, don't glitter bomb Remus this time," Aaron reminded them.

"Yes dad, won't happen again," James said.

Adeline asked, "Can we glitter bomb the backyard?"

"No, because your mother will absolutely yell at me. Everyone here knows how insanely hard it is to clean glitter up," Aaron responded.

Jack said, "Can Grandpa Gibbs help us?"

Aaron looked at his father in law who shrugged. "Sure, I've got nothing else to do. Maybe it'll give your dad some time to figure out his gift."

As if on cue Will was on their door step. James said, "Uncle did you forget Mother's Day too?"

Will nodded, "That I did. I was wondering if your daddy might want to help me with something."

Gibbs gave Aaron a gesture to go. "I'll watch the kids. You know how much I love my grandchildren."

Aaron grabbed his wallet and keys before heading out with Will. "How are Henry?"

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