A mistake

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Chandni groaned looking at her phone.
For some reason she couldn't sleep,

' you don't know the reason? " her conscious mind mocked.

" are you telling me I couldnt sleep because advay praised me. Heck!a Lot of men praised me before "

" stop being denying " chandni huffed knowing her what her mind said is true.

Why I couldn't stop thinking about him!!

Stop it chandni ! He's your freaking boss and not to mention he's married and have a daughter of his own.

She huffed before making her way down to the kitchen . Since it was five thirty in the morning no one was there.

Chandni poured a cup of coffee and sipped it looking at the empty room. The gaurds are still awake but they ain't inside the mansion. Half of gaurds are in the front yard the rest are in the back yard of the mansion .

Chandni Tense up when she heard footsteps, she almost screamed when a manly figure walk to the kitchen.

' hey, it's me ' advay said raising his hands in surrender as she was standing with a frying pan in her hand .

Chandni placed the pan on the kitchen top before placing hand over her heart,

' you scared me!! "

" sorry !" he chuckled before walking to the fridge to take the water bottle out.

" what are y..... She trailed off looking at his dress.

He didn't say anything, he was staring at her.

' She's beautiful !! There is no hint of make up on her face yet she's glowing.  God, she will be the death of me!! ' he thought .

' you run! " she asked gazing at his black sweaty hair falling into his eyes.

" yes, not regularly like before. But I make sure I go for a run at least 4 times a week. "

" that's nice . Would you like a cup of coffee? "

" sure!! "she smiled and poured a cup of coffee for advay.

" thanks " he said sipping his coffee.

" why you are up early? ' he asked looking at the phone.

" nothing particularly. "

" were your bed wasn't comfortable. Do you want me to change it? " he offered,

" na, the bed is comfortable. "

" OKay " he shrugged.

" who's with Aasmi? " chandni asked.

" no one! I have cameras in the mansion. I watch her every moves. " she nodded. They were sipping coffee in a comfortable silence.

" were your wife beautiful!! " chandni asked out of blue making advay halt in surprise.

" I'm sorry! " she quickly apologised ,

" it's okay. To answer your question, yes she was a beautiful woman........ '

Chandni felt a tug in her heart hearing him praising how beautiful his wife was.

' Camila was a great woman. Surprisingly in the five year of relationship we never had a fight or a big argument...." he continued telling how Camila was, how their relationship was ,Not knowing why he's sharing all these details to chandni.

Chandni stood up suddenly making advay frown,

' what happened chandni. "

" umm nothing, it's almost 6 in the morning. I thought maria will be here in a few minutes so, "

" oh no problem. Maria and others usually comes to kitchen around 7 in the morning " she simply nodded .

Chandni groaned mentally when he started talking about Camila, she was surprised by her reaction. This is the first time she got angry hearing someone praising his wife!!

Advay is not someone! Her conscious screamed.

' shut up!! "

" she must be a great woman! " chandni said not know what to say,

" she was. It's sad aasmi didn't even spend a day with her . " tears welled in her eyes hearing this , she knew how it feels when you don't have mother to share your feelings, your pain, your doubts.

She blinked her tears, ' I am sorry for your loss. But trust me when I say you are doing a great job raising her on your own. " sincerity dripping in her voice making him smile.

" thanks. That means a lot to me " he said squeezing her hand.

" I'm sorry. " he said when her gaze dropped to their hand .

" it's fine. " she smiled.

Chandni's heart skipped when he took her hand in his and squeezed.

He simply stared at her.  Her long eyelashes kissed her cheek tenderly whenever she looks down. Her skin felt so smooth under his palm.

How her skin feels under his lips!! He groaned.

Stop thinking from dick you stupid. He mentally kicked himself.

Chandni shivered feeling his intense gaze at her, advay groaned when she licked her dry lips.

A gasp escape from her lips when he lift her chin up to meet his, her palm started sweating when he leaned down to her. She knew this is wrong as much as she wants to turn her face she couldn't, instead she moved her face closer to his.

Her heart stopped beating when his warm lips touched hers. His hand moves to her neck and pulled her close to him. She moaned in his mouth when he wrapped his free hand around her waist and pulled her to him, making her sit on his lap.

He bit her lip making her open her mouth, taking the opportunity he shoved his tongue to her mouth. He groaned tasting her mouth, he pulled her close to him as if he wants to hid her inside him. He felt his cock twitch inside his pants as she started moving on his lap. With a groan he leaves her mouth and kissed down her jaw before moving down to her neck.

Chandni moaned when he buried her face into his neck as he was exploring the back her neck. The hint of sweat with his colongue made her feel hot.

They both jumped in shock when advay's phone started ringing. His hands shivered sweat beading on his forehead to find their position. Chandni gulped before standing up on her feet.

' advay face palmed looking at swallon lips.

How can he lost his control.

He's fucking married.

She's his daughter's nanny. Shit!

Chandni take a step back when he moved close to him. He looked and sighed,

' I... I'm sorry. I don't know how I lost my control. This was a mistake. I won't repeat it. I'm sorry! " he said before rushing out.

" it was a mistake!! " kissing me was a mistake to him?? Tears flooded from her eyes as a loud sob escapes from her mouth. She slap hand against her mouth before rushing out.

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