chapter 16

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Its Christmas Eve!! Wohoo !!

Chandni jumped in joy, she loves Christmas. She spend most of her life in an orphanage, they get gifts on Christmas. That's why everyone loves it. To add chandni loves to play in snow,  the winter. The morning coffee she have while sitting outside... Every moment was special... She miss the orphanage. She decided to visit them on Christmas Eve with gifts. Thankfully advay pays more than she imagined, she have enough amount to get gifts for everyone in the orphanage.

Chandni decided to visit the orphanage before Christmas as the kids in the orphanage stick notes on Christmas tree about what they want as a Christmas gift. Its one of the trick by the orphanage elder mother to get to know what they actually desire on the special day. Of course she too believed Santa Claus reads her letter and gift her what she wanted. Chandni chukled about how childish it was...

The coming weekend she visit the orphanage as expected the Christmas tree was filled with notes from the kids.

' I'm glad, you didn't forget us " Mary said hugging her,

' there is no way I could forget my mother. " Mary is like her mother. She's such a kind woman , who dedicated her life for the people in need.

After meeting everyone in the orphanage chandni returned to AR mansion at night. She made sure advay have his dinner before retiring to her room.

Yes, the tension between them is not vanished.. Yet. But she can't let him take risk on his health one more time.. She remembers how Aasmi cried looking at her father.

Aasmi is clever than others, she understood her papa was sick that's why he wasn't leaving the bed. His tired face, dark bags under his eyes didn't help at all.

It took hours for chandni to calm her down. Now she don't want him to get into the situation again, so she makes sure he have his food on time.


' advay is it okay for you to look after aasmi in the weekend!! "

" yeah no problem " he said showing the last piece of sandwich.

' but where are you going... I mean if you want to share "

" Ahh its nothing. I'm going for a shopping. "

Advay chukuled ' I heard from niti you hate shopping. "

Chandni shrugged, " it's true though! "

" then "

'what's the point of going for a shopping when you can afford nothing! "she mumbled softly but advay heard it.

" I'm going to get gifts for the kids in the orphanage! " a proud smile curves on his lips.

' do you mind ,if we accompany you! Actually I want to buy some stuff for Aasmi as well !"

" no problem! " she wanted to decline his offer but she dont want to make him feel bad.

" its Saturday afternoon then! "

" sure!! "


It was Saturday morning Chandni was in a grey jeans, white tops waiting for advay to come down to the hall. Aasmi was in her simple floral dress and sweater to save her from the snow.

'I'm ready! " advay come down with red T-shirt and jeans on.

' sure! " chandni said as she grabs her long sleeve cardigan.

A guy bumped into chandni as soon as they entered into the store .

' sorry ma'am! " he appologises.

" is this your kid! There is a place in our store where our helpers keep your baby safe and busy so you peacefully shop for yourself. " the guy said looking at Aasmi in chandni's arms.

" Ahh I'm not her mom. And yes, that will be helpful. Can you show me the place! "

" this way!! " he led her to the place.

Advay narrowed his eyes at the guy but he was busy starting at chandni.

Advay growled before started looking for toys and dress for Aasmi. He wants to leave the place as soon as possible!!

Chandni joined him in a few minutes, he Takes out the list of the things she needs to buy.

While buying gifts for the kids, chandni's eyes fell on a floor length one shoulder dress . Her hands itched to touch the material. She walks to the dress and touched..

Chandni's face paled immediately looking at the price tag. Its not that she can't afford it. But she can't waste some 100$ on a single dress when she have to get the gifts for some 100+ people.

' looks like the dress got your attention. Why don't you try it . It will look good on you " the old sales woman said.

Chandni shrugged, " thanks, but my packet will started bleeding if I buy it "

The old woman chukled, " right dear, not everyone can afford such designer dress. Trust me even I can't. " the old woman smiled,

" if you want, you can try once. "

" na, I don't want to spoil the dress! " chandni denied politely before started looking for toys for the kids. But a pair of chocolate orbs watched everything , from how she liked the dress to how her face pale looking at the price tag .

After finishing her shopping she went to the cash register .

' umm can I get your number.. If you don't mind " chandni looked up at the voice, the same guy she bumped in the doorway was smiling sheepishly at her.

' Ahh.. I... "

" we don't have all day! Finish the packing already! " she flinched hearing advay's voice from behind.

His chocolate orbs glaring at the poor guy in the counter.

If looks could kill ....

' is he's jealous! '

'snap out of it chandni. It was a mistake for him. Remember " she felt a tug in her heart ,

" my phone.. " the guy hands his phone to her,

' come on, you are not planning to die single , are you! ' chandni shook her head and punched her number before handing the phone to him.

Advay's jaw dropped open when she took his phone then gave her number.

How dare she!!

How can she flirt with him, how can she give her number to him.

Are you jealous!!

No, no. I'm not.

Then why do you care!


' let's go! " he almost dragged chandni out of the store with Aasmi in his arms.

" Argh.. Advay you are hurting me! "that's when he realised how strong his grip was on her. She rubbed her wrist, he could see the faint marks of hand prints on her wrist.

' I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you ' he say guiltILY .

" it's okay. I'm fine "

' umm why you did that!! " he asks rubbing her wrist softly.

' did what!! " she asked as if she don't have a clue about what he's asking.

" you know! "

' its not that I'm going to die single! "

" but you don't know him! "

" I will know him, eventually "

" but... "

" please drop the topic advay! " he sighs before hoping into the car with Aasmi.

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