A/N & Prologue

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((Ok so I am going to put chapters 1-15 and the A/N's between in, just so you people don't have to back and forth between books if you don't understand something))


                                                                                                                                                                                Prologue is either creepy, sad, or both. Might make you triggered. You have been warned.


"My child, stay in this closet. Whatever you see, hear, or do, don't come out. No matter what. You understand?" I nodded in understanding. Once I did, Mom walked out of the closet, closed it, and left the room. A few minutes later, I heard her yell

"Run my child! Run! Don't look back!"

Then I heard a man yell "Where did the child run off to M/N? Tell me, and you don't die!"

"I'll never tell you U/N! Never! I'll only tell you, she's not in the building anymore!"

"Curse you m/n, you're dead , and soon after you, you're freak of a child will be dead too!"

"You'll never find her! She's long gone by now! And I will never tell you where-" Her sentence was cut off by the sound of a bang and a scream, followed by a loud thump.

"I will find your child, m/n, and I will kill them, no matter who or what protects them." And with that, the sound of him leaving the building could be heard even from where I was, which was on the other side of the house.

I waited an extra 5 to 10 minutes before coming out of the closet and slithering to the door that leads out of the house. When I saw Mom's body next to the closed door, I wasn't surprised, because I knew the loud bang was a gunshot, the scream was Mom's as she got shot, and the thump was her body hitting the floor.

Even though I was only 4 years old, I was smart. Smarter than the average 6th Grader. Instead of crying, I went over to her, grabbed her by the arms, and dragged her all the way to the secret lake. The place that only she and I knew of. When I got there, I dug up a small plot of dirt, gently curled her into a small ball and placed her in the hole.

Then I filled it back up with dirt, making a small mound

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Then I filled it back up with dirt, making a small mound. After about 3 or 4 minutes of searching, I found a large yet smooth rock, brought it over to the mound, and started to carve.

-Timeskip of 2 to 3 hours of carving-

I was finally finished, and it was Mom's favorite time of day. Sunset. I picked up the rock, which was now a gravestone, and stuck it in the ground a little above Mom. It read:

Here lies m/n, buried by her own daughter at the age of 4. Shot by her brother, her daughter's uncle, a dishonorable man not worthy of her love, protecting her daughter from him, because she was a Lamia, or a 'Freak' as he said, not like I care. A thing she always said to me was "Even though everyone calls you a freak, a monster of a child, you are not. The ones who call you that are the true freaks and monsters. You, my child... no, not 'my child'. You, Y/N, are a true, beautiful being, and nothing anybody else says will change that. Not your uncle, not the bullies, not anyone. You will always be my daughter, Y/n, always." May your spirit live in true happiness with Dad once more.

"💣✌✡ ✡⚐🕆 ☼☜💧❄ ✋☠ 🏱☜✌👍☜📪 💣⚐💣📬" After that, I curled up into a ball, with my tail wrapped around me, keeping me warm. I soon fell asleep on top of Mom's grave.

-No One's POV-

(M/N text like this. D/N text like this.)When Y/N fell asleep, two spirits slowly faded in sight. One was a young woman, around her late 20s. The other one was a male Lamia, appearing to be in his early 30s.

"Our child looks so peaceful, compared to what she just saw and did. I wish we were still with her."    

                                                                                                                                                                       "Agreed, but there's nothing more we can do. The best we can do for her now is watch out for her and watch her life unfold."       

"*sigh*Very well then. How about we go tell our death leaders what we're going to do while she's asleep."

At that note, the two faded away, and their voices could be heard on the wind.

"Stay safe our child. We will always watch over you."

(belongs to @Pytho13)

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