Chapter 20- Finding out

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(Since I am such an idiot, I completely missed a chapter, so I just fixed, and I am a complete idiot for forgetting it -_-   )

Y/N's Pov

I slithered out of the forest with (SoC) behind me. We made it to the main service road and made our way back to Fresh's/His house. I stayed at (SoC)'s side with a partial smile. I will admit, I liked his attitude and his personality, He was kind and it seemed that he liked to spend time with me and his other friends. I will start to admit, that I have a little crush on him. I enjoyed his company. 

As we walked back to Fresh's/His house, we saw people running back and forth and kids playing, I remembered when I was younger, I would play outside, all before the accident happened. After that happened, everything changed. I enjoy the memories of me having fun. I snapped back into reality, (SoC) had stopped and looked at me with worry wiped across his face.

I looked at him confusedly. "You stopped and zoned out. I kept walking, until I saw you had stopped." He said as I kept my confused look on my face

'Oh' I signed as I smiled. I looked at him and he had blush on his face. I knew it. I am sure of it. The way he acts, and he trusts me and likes to hang around me, He has got to like me back. 

I pushed the little bit of happiness down and started slithering again. I grabbed (SoC)'s wrist and dragged him behind me as I slithered faster with a smile. I looked back and (SoC) was blushing more than he was before. I can confirm it now, he likes me, and I like him back, will I confess? or will he? When would I? Thoughts circled my mind as I kept slithering towards Fresh's/his house.

(I am bored in class and ideas were hitting me like no tomorrow, but the book will not be ending soon, I have many ideas for this book and my other one)

~Satan is signing out~

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