Chapter 10 Back to school. Yay.

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A/N This story is kinda stupid, I'm wondering if I should just discontinue or give it away. Anyway, on to the chapter, I suppose. 

-Lunch because Author~Chan is powerful-

I was sitting outside, away from everyone else, slowly consuming a rabbit. Now that the entire school knew about me being a Lamia and all, I didn't have to hide my form anymore. Though I still did whenever I was inside, so as to not be a bother. About halfway through, Swifty walked up. "Hello Y/N." I raised my hand in greeting, kinda going back to my old ways of not speaking. "Y/N, I'm here to request for you to join in a school photo. It's not mandatory, really only for the yearbook. So, what do you say?" He smoothly requested. I finished my mouthful and positively responded with, "Of course Swifty, I would be happy to!" He slightly smiled, and then told you the details of where and when it's take place. 

A/N - Next chapter will be for shits and giggles.

((Belongs to Pytho13 ))

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