Chapter One - New School

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I woke up to the sounds of all the forest creatures also waking up to start the day. I got up immediately, because I remembered that today was the day I went to my new school, the school called Underhigh. I quickly got dressed, grabbed the things I needed, and slithered out of my den, heading to the nearest bus stop. When I was at the tree line, I turned my tail into human legs and walked to the stop. When I got there, I sat down on the bench and waited. While I was waiting, a skeleton with black bones and the back of his head defying gravity walked up to me, a fish and a cat who I'm assuming are his friends behind him.

When he got right next to me, he picked me up by the collar of my shirt, and lifted me off of the ground. When I didn't beg for mercy or even say anything, he frowned and said "You aren't going to beg for mercy?" I shook my head in no, and at that he let me down. I turned around and saw the bus heading towards us. I got my stuff and when it stopped I got on, sitting in the very back, opened my sketchbook, and started to draw. After a few minutes, I heard the slightest of breaths heading my way. I lifted my head up and saw another skeleton staring at me. He fell backwards in surprise when I looked at him, but I caught him just before he hit the ground.

 He fell backwards in surprise when I looked at him, but I caught him just before he hit the ground

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I pulled him up and put him in the seat next to me. "T-Thank you." I quickly got out my cards and showed him the one that said 'No problem.' "Are you... mute?" 'Sorta' "Oh... okay then. That's a nice drawing." 'Thanks.' "Say, what's your name?" 'Y/N, your's?' "My name's Fresh." 'Nice to meet you.' I then continued drawing all the way to school. When we got there, I gathered up all my belongings and parted ways with Fresh, heading to the office, where I would get my schedule. When I got there, I knocked on the principal's door, and, upon hearing a "Com in" I opened the door to see principal Temmie. "HOI!!!, u must be da new student, here for yer schedule, correct?" I nodded in response. "Very well den, here u go." I took my schedule and nodded my head in thanks, quickly rushing to my locker and putting away everything except for the things I needed for my first class.

(Your schedule)

Art: Mr. Ink

PE: Coach Error

History: Mr. Nightmare


Science: Dr. Gaster

Music: Mrs. Shyren

Astrology: Mr. Dream

After-school clubs

I grabbed my sketchbook and ran over to Art class. When I walked in, I saw a skeleton being bullied by what appears to be a bunny and either her friends or minions. I was guessing that they were the populars of this school. I quickly walked over to a desk in the back next to a window, put my stuff down, grabbed a notecard and quickly wrote down some words. I then walked up to the bunny, who was the main bully. By this time, everyone except for the teacher were seated, and I could hear him right outside the door, about to come in. Not like I cared. I tapped the bunny on the shoulder, and when she turned to face me, sneering "What do you want, ugly?" I showed her the card 'Hey, bunny bitch, watch yourself and who your bullying, got it?' "Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it you mute-" And then I punched her in the face. "Oof" I quickly caught her and put her in a seat a few rows away, then I walked back to the skeleton who was being bullied and held out my hand 'You okay?' "Y-Yeah, t-thanks. M-My n-name's f-frost, w-what's y-your's?" 'Y/N, nice to meet you.' "Nice to meet you to." At that I walked back to my seat and sat down. About a minute later Mr. Ink said "Today we have a new student. Come up and introduce yourself Y/N." I walked up and signaled to him if I could use the whiteboard. At that he looked surprised but nodded. I walked up to it and wrote down 'Hello, my name is Y/N.' "Are you mute or something?" One of bunny bitch's minions called out. 'Sorta, but in a way you wouldn't understand.' I then erased the words I had written down and sat back down. "Okay class, today will be a freedraw." At those words I got back out my sketchbook and did the finishing parts to my drawing from earlier. When it was time to go to our next class, it was done.

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