Chapter 7 the sleepover pt.3

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After all the other's turns, Undyne said "Okay! Now that everyone's gone, it's time for Truth or Dare!" Everyone, including the teachers, sat in a circle and Undyne, who was sitting next to me, went first. "Y/N, truth or dare?" "I'd say... why not dare?" "I dare you to...hmmmm..." She then leaned over and whispered into my ear "I dare you to kiss Palette on the...I don't know what to call them, teeth?" I blushed and looked at her with an 'Are you serious?' face. I then nodded, got up, and then sat down in front of Palette. He looked at me and asked "Um... Y/N? What did Undyne dare you to do?" I didn't answer, and instead just quickly leaned forward and kissed him on the lips/teeth. When I pulled away, I saw that all the other skeletons/boys, even the teachers, looked at Palette jealously. I stood up and walked back to my place and then picked a random name. "Fresh, truth or dare?" "...Truth." "What are you afraid of, and no take backs or skips." He froze and mumbled something. "Speak up, punk! We can't hear you!" "...I'm afraid of snakes." I just burst into laughter, knowing that he was afraid of snakes, but had a crush on me, when I'm literally half snake, was just so funny. I finally calmed down to see that Fresh was looking down and everyone was staring at me weirdly. I stood up, walked over to Fresh, and whispered "Sorry 'bout dat. I know how you feel towards me." And before he could respond, I kissed him, once again making all the skeles/boys jelly. I stood up, looked around, and said "You need some PB for that Jelly?" They all blushed and looked away, except for Lust, who looked at me with a, ironically, lustful look on his face, and said "No, I need you." I just walked up and slapped him.

A/N - And that covers all the student kisses. Took me forever to publish this one, and I won't be that active this weekend btw, 'cause I'm going somewhere expensive, and mom won't let me bring my computer, so... yeah.

Total Words - 369

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