Chapter 13- Mops and Brooms

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There was a tall sluggish creature or person in front of us.

I readied in a fighting stance and braced myself. So did PJ, Undyne, BP, and SG. Fresh, Alphys, Papyrus and Napstablook-(sheet, I forgot to put Napstablook in the last chapter, forgive meh please)- was hiding behind us as the creatures turned and looked at us.

All it gave us was a bark and then shrunk, it turned into a white dog. It gave a bark and we all calmed down.

"Vice Principal AD." BP groaned.

"Why are they here?" Undyne asked.

A bark was a response then the dog started to float!? It floated towards a wall and we all stood in confusion. The dog then floated through the wall and probably outside.

We didn't question it, well we did but then shrugged it off, we all went to different cleaning closets and grabbed our supplies. I went with Undyne, Fresh, and BP.

"Yo punk where are we going to clean?" Undyne asked me s I grabbed a mop and bucket.

"We are going to clean the classrooms in the Freshman area, PJ, Alphys, SG and Papyrus are going to clean the gym." Explained as they gave agreeing nods.

"O-Ok so which classrooms are we going to clean first?" Fresh asked as he went in to grab a broom.

"Well I was thinking me and Undyne will go into Mr. Ink's classroom... and you and BP can go into Mr. Geno's classroom." I laid my ideas on the table hoping they wouldn't get angry.

"Sounds good to me." BP said as he had a mop in hand and turned heel and went to Mr. Geno's classroom.

Me and Undyne walked into the classroom as we saw it was trashed. We instantly got to work and in 20-30 minutes it was clean. We walked out as we all met up.

"Yo, Mr. Ink's classroom was so hard to clean, It was trashed." Undyne groaned.

"Mr. Geno's classroom was already cleaned so we could just sit around and talk." BP said as Fresh sighed.

"Hey why don't we go see how the others are doing with the gym?" Fresh asked as a light hue brushed across his face as he glanced at me.

"Ok." I said as we started to walk towards the gym. We started to hear music. And talking. And laughing, sounds like they are having fun. More lounging than cleaning. "Heh, they started to lounge instead of cleaning." I said as BP and Undyne burst out laughing.

We walked in with BP being held up by Fresh and Undyne being held up by me, they were wheezing. Alphys, Papyrus, PJ and SG were looking at us with weird looks.

"They were laughing at you guys." I blurted out as they started laughing again. "This will be a long day." I said as I walked over to the bleachers and sat down and relaxed.

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