Chapter 12- It's summer and we already have to work

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Y/N's Pov

We all got a yearbook before we left for summer. It was full of the funniest this that happened this year.

Once that bell went for the last day of school everyone opened their binders and books, and they all threw them on the floor and ran out. All of us were laughing until Principal Temmie called us into her office.

"HoIz U NeeDS tO cLeaNS dA scHoOl, SinCe yOuZ TraShEd ItZ" She said with her crazy voice.

Fresh interjected, "It wasn't us, just Y/N and PJ's group." I looked over at him and he had a sorrowful look on his face.

"It wasn't just me, it was multiple students." I said slithering closer to Miss Temmie's desk. "Don't just blame me please."

"WeEl aLLz yOu hAZ tO Do SinCe yOu weRe aParT Of iT, jUsT clEaN dA ScHoOlz OveR dA SumMeRz." She said as she had this weird look on her face.

"Ok." I simply said as I slithered out of the office. Fresh, Napstablook, Alphys, and Papyrus followed me and we were greeted by Horror and CC.

"Yo, what did you do to be called in the office after hours and on the last day of school before summer!?" CC asked as I gave a low growl.

"PJ's gang trashed the school with their schoolwork of a year, and that is a lot of homework with blank pages." I explained as I started to settle down on the doorframe of Principal Temmie's office. "And I sorta did the same but only with the work in my desk, they did out of their multiple binders, lockers, and desks." I sighed sitting down on the ground.

"Wow, just for emptying a desk, I mean don't they all tell us to keep our desks clean?" Horror interpreted.

"THAT IS TRUE!" Papyrus but in.

"But now my punishment is to clean the school over the summer. And probably to Sophomore year." I said while getting up and slithering closer to them. "But it won't just be me, it will be PJ's gang also, and if you guys could help too.... just so I don't have to be alone with them all summer."

"Sure why not?" CC exclaimed.

"i don't think i could be of any help." ((Napstablook's speaking will be without caps like in my other book.))

"W-Well I-I could h-help." Alphys stuttered out.

"Fine, I'll help." Horror scoffed at his remark.


"Thank you guys so much!" I slithered closer to them and engulfed them in a big hug. The all hugged back afterwards.

We all walked- well they walked I slithered- out the school and went our own ways. I was on my way to my cave when I was stopped. "Hey punk, we have to clean the school too." It was Undyne. "Why don't we all start today?" She asked.

"Sure let me put my stuff at home, and change." I said calmly.

"Kay' punk we will be waiting at the entrance of the school for you." Undyne said as she started to walk off.

"Wait Undyne, can you wait for like five minutes, I will be right out." I asked her praying she would wait for me.

"Sure Punk." She said turning and leaning against a tree.

"Thanks!" I said before slithering off to the cave.

I chose a more comfortable clothes but they required legs, so I had to shift back.

I focused my magic, and a cloud of (F/C) smoke appeared and slowly started to change my tail into functioning legs. My tail splitting into two slowly starting to change their shape. The two ends of my tail started to morph into feet leaving scales still on my legs. The scales soon starting to sink into my skin and became invisible to the eye.

I walked over to where I had placed the pair of pants. I picked them up and put each leg into each leg hole and pulled them up and buttoned them up. I was wearing a pair of black jogging pants with one stripe down the outer side of the pants, the stripe was
(F/C) and they overall looked awesome!

I changed my shirt into a galaxy tank top, and a hoodie overtop of it all.

I walked out of the cave grabbing my satchel, and walking towards Undyne.

"See quick." I said as she turned to me in shock.

"Yo Punk what happened to your tail!?" Undyne Exclaimed.

"I changed out of my Lamia form to make cleaning easier." I said flipping my (H/L) (H/C) off my shoulders.

"Whatever Punk you do you." She said while turning and starting to walk away.

"H-Hey wait for me!" I said running towards her.

We walked all the way to the school talking about how the teachers are complete and udder retards. Once we stepped foot on school property we were greeted by everyone, Fresh, Alphys, PJ, Papyrus, BP, SG, and Bunny.

"Why are you here Bunny B**ch?" I asked as she started glaring daggers at me.

"I wanted to help my PJ." She stated.

I looked at her and gave her a smile, but there was something else behind the smile. A menacing laugh. And only Bunny could see or hear it.

"You know what PJ, I'll come next week." She said with fear entangled in her voice.

"Good, you have been annoying me." PJ stated back at her as she gave a hurt look.

She ran away 'crying' as Undyne, BP and PJ laughed. SG gave a confused look as she decided to take out the keys to the school.

"Y/N do you want the honours?" SG asked me as I took the keys.

I turned to face them in front of the school doors and spoke in a melodramatic voice. "Cleaners Of Underhigh! Welcome To Your Summer Job That None Of Us Wanted!" I said in a dramatic voice as I ended it with a laugh.

I looked over my 'audience' and Fresh had a magenta-pink hue-PJ had a magenta hue- They both had pink to purple on their faces.

I shrugged it off and turned towards the school doors. With the keys in hand- I put the keys in the lock and turned it to the right place where it would open the door.

I took the keys out and opened the doors. We walked in and what was in there stunned us, we stood in fear and anger. Besides it being trashed. There was someone-rather Something in here with us too.

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