Chapter 14 - Laughing, Fun, Games, and Secrets

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They all walked over to me and sat on the bleachers with me and we eventually started a game of Never Have I Ever.

"Hum.. Never have I ever lived in the wilderness." SG said as she motioned over to me.

"Hey thats not fair, I'm the only one who lives outside." I groaned as I sat back into the bleachers.

"I have for a few days when I ran away." PJ said as he laid back onto the Gym floor.

"Well Y/N, since you have done that, you have to do a punishment of our choice." SG stated as she motioned for everyone to huddle in as I stayed sitting.

"Ok the punishment is that you have to run around the school. Well the catch is, is with someone on your back." I groaned as SG said that. I stood up and said.

"Ok well Napstablook, would you like to come along?" I asked as Napstablook floated over to me and I could feel a tiny bit of weight on my shoulders.

"ok you can go now." Napstablook said as I started running.

While I was running I saw everyone at a window watching me outside as I booked it around the school. I made it back faster than I thought but the school was huge, but everyone was still surprised. "There I did it, now, Never Have I Ever..." This game didn't last long until we had to leave since it was around 7pm, we did a little bit of cleaning... and more playing games in the gym.

"Well today was a successful day!" Fresh said as we all started to get up and grab our stuff. "Hey, um.. Y/N? Can I walk you home?" Fresh asked as a purple hue dusted across his face.

"Umm... Sure, why not?" I said as I started walking away down the street.

As we walked in silence I could see that the hue on his face deepened. Once we were there, it was dark out, and we said our goodbyes, and went on our own ways. Me going into my cave and changing my clothes and changing back into my Lamia form. Fresh was presumably going home or going for food.

I got into my bed/nest and laid down with a sigh, thinking on what happened today and was just reflecting it until before I knew it, I was asleep.

3rd person Pov

"We have to protect her better, this school year was a disaster!" M/N said as their outline became more visible.

"Yes but we also have to let her grow and make mistakes, we can't keep acting as though she is a 8 year-old. She needs to learn how the world works." F/N said as they started to show up beside M/N,

M/N sighed and said "But she still is our baby, and I still want to protect her-" M/N was cut off by F/N.

"So do I, but we have been protecting her since we died, she needs to learn and have experiences and not have us looking over her shoulder all the time." F/N explained as he touched your mother's arm.

"Let's go, let's let her rest." M/N said as she grabbed your father's hand and started to fade away back into the spirit world.

Your Pov

I woke up as the sun rose and got up and got ready for the day. I changed into my Human form with F/C smoke and got dressed into a flannel zip up hoodie with some jean shorts. I pulled on some sneakers and walked out and stretched. I walked towards the school with one of the keys in my hand, and hummed a tune, that I think was called 'heartache'.

I walked towards the doors of the school and got they keys out and unlocked the doors. I walked in and closed the front doors behind me as I continued walking to the janitors office. I pulled out some cleaning supplies like, Ammonia, Windex, and disinfectant. Along with a mop, cleaning rags, and a broom. 

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