Chapter 6 the sleepover pt.2

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-Y/N POV-(This is where you see your romance options... There's a lot. This doesn't include the teachers.)

"Ok then! Now that everyone's here, time to play Seven Minutes in Heaven! Everyone, put a slip with your name on it in the box!" When everyone except for the teachers/chaperones had put a slip with their name on it in the box, Undyne chose me to go first. I looked at the slip I had picked up and said...

[If you got PJ]

"PJ!" "Ok, into the closet you two, and no chickening out!" After we got into the closet, we were 6 mins in when PJ said "I uh... You know what? Screw it." He then got really close and kissed me. I was in too much shock to do anything else. He soon let go, and 30 secs later, we got out of the closet...

[If you got Fresh]

"Fresh!" "Ok, into the closet you two, and no chickening out!" After we got into the closet, Fresh asked "Y/N?" "Yeah Fresh?" "I-I just w-want you t-to know t-that I-I... uh, I... I love you!" He quickly kissed me for a few seconds then turned away, blushing deeply. I was slightly shocked, but also kinda blushing from that. 6 mins later, we got out of the closet...

[If you got Palette]

"Palette!" "Ok, into the closet you two, and no chickening out!" After we got into the closet, we both sat down, and Palette said "Um, Y/N?" "Yeah?" "I-I just want you to know that you're a great friend... and that I love you." He whispered that last part to where I'm guessing he thought I couldn't hear it, even though I did. I didn't let him know that I did though, and soon enough, we got out of the closet...

[If you got Horror]

"Horror!" "Ok, into the closet you two, and no chickening out!" After we got into the closet, I noticed that he was blushing, so I said "Don't tell anyone else about this, but I know that everyone, even the teachers, have fallen for me. I already knew that Chara was in love with me. He's been like that since Pre-school. Now, like I said, don't tell anyone." I then lightly kissed him on the lips and got out of the closet...

[If you got Chara]

"Chara!" "Ok, into the closet you two, and no chickening out!" After we got into the closet, I immediately said "I know you love me, so screw it." I kissed him on the lips and sat down. He blushed a deep purple. When we finally got out of the closet...

[If you got Dust]

"Dust!" "Ok, into the closet you two, and no chickening out!" After we got into the closet, I said "You know, ever since I met you, I noticed that you had a split personality." When I said that, he froze. "Can I see and talk to that other side of you?" "U-Um, n-no, y-yes, n-no." "Please?" "U-Uh... Fine." He then took his glasses off. Once he did, it was like he turned into a jock. "What do you want?" "Hi, jock version of nerd Dust! I'm surprised you aren't trying to kill me yet." "Wait, what? How did you know that I normally would-" "I don't know how, I just had a feeling. Anyways, this is for both of you!" I kissed them on the lips and put their glasses back on them, leaving them in a blushing and stuttering mess. When we got out of the closet...

[If you got Goth]

"Goth!""Ok, into the closet you two, and no chickening out!" After we got into the closet, I said "I'm sorry for scaring you with the fake spider. I hope this can make it up to you." I lightly kissed him on the lips. "I-I-It's o-o-o-okay..." He then fainted. Undyne opened the door to see him passed out and me looking a bit confused. She didn't even ask and just picked him up and put him on the couch... A/N- Lips! Screw logic! This next one isn't a romance option, I just thought it would be funny to do, so...

[If you got Lust]

"Lust!""Ok, into the closet you two, and no chickening out!" After we got into the closet and closed the door, he came a little to close for comfort and began to flirt with me. "Hey there, are you from Heaven? Because you look like an angle~" I then hissed, calling my Timber Rattlesnake to me. When she got in and saw what was happening, she immediately hissed loudly, scaring him. When he saw her, and the position she was in, he screamed and ran out of the closet. I fed her a small mouse and poked my head out yelling "And that's why you don't flirt with me!"(Pic above was the rattlesnake position) After all the other's turns, Undyne said "Okay! Now that everyone's gone, it's time for Truth or Dare!"

Total Word Count: 833

NaJ AU Sanses x Lamia Reader FAN CONTINUATIONWhere stories live. Discover now