Chapter Three

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(Besides BP, nothing interesting happened yesterday. The Truth was originally going to be Chapter 4, but I got carried away, so yeah. As 4 clubs, let's just say that you finally had to pick a club, and it was Magic club. Sorry, I'm just not in the mood to ask people to make choices. If you want to do that, then help me out at the end of chapter 2 in my AU Sanses x Dragon! Elemental Magic! Reader book, because I can't decide)


(It's Thursday) I woke up in my nest, only to see and feel the bruises from yesterday. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want my friends to see me like this. But I did. I got up, got dressed, and slithered to the edge of the forest, catching breakfast as I did so. Last night, I had had a memory nightmare of when Mom was killed by Uncle. I'm still crying from it.(It's been 15-20 mins from when you woke up) I got to the bus stop and sat down. Soon enough, PJ and his group walked over, but what I didn't expect was for PJ to walk up to me and say "I'm sorry about earlier. I hope you came forgive me." I was so shocked that I couldn't do anything. The only other one who was shocked was BP. Clearly, he didn't know about this, whilst Undyne and the other girl, who I didn't recognize, did. Soon, I snapped out of it and nodded in response to his apology, showing that I accepted it. Then, I got out a notecard that said 'Who' and pointed to the other girl. "My name's Skatergirl, though yo can just call me SG." 'Y/N, nice to meet you'

"So, Y/N, what classes do you have?" I got out my schedule and showed her. "Are you in a club yet, still deciding, or are going to join it today?" I held up 3 fingers to show which one I was onto. "Neat, what is it?" I wrote down the word 'Magic' and showed it to them. Their eyes widened in surprise, but before they could say anything, the bus pulled up. I gathered up my supplies and put my hand up in a five to signal 'See you later'. I got on the bus and went to the very back, where I saw Fresh, Alphys, and Blooky sitting together. I came over and sat down, the window on my left and Fresh on my right. "H-h-h-hi Y-y-y-y/n!" Alphys said once I had placed my stuff down. I waved in response, and when Fresh turned around to look at me, I could've sworn I saw him blushing a bright blue, meh, must've been my imagination. "Hey, when the bus pulled up, I saw you chatting with PJ and his friends. What happened?" I wrote down and showed him 'He was talking to the rest of his group when he saw me. He walked up to me, and instead of bullying me, he said he was sorry about earlier. I was surprised, to say the least.' When Fresh was done reading that, his face was a mixture of being impressed and shocked. "Wow, you're very lucky, you know?" I tilted my head in confusion at that sentence. How was I lucky? My mom was killed basically in front of me, and I have no family. Well, besides Him. "No one, and I mean no one, can get PJ to apologize willingly to them." I nodded. Then, he asked "Why were you acting off yesterday? You didn't exactly socialize as much..." He then noticed the cuts on my face. "Did you get beat up?!?" I nodded slightly, my eyes looking down. Alphys gasped "B-b-b-by w-w-w-who?" I pointed to BP, who was a couple rows ahead and to the right of me. "You should report him." At that, I shook my head rapidly. I pointed to BP, showed 'Coward' and pointed to myself. "You wouldn't be a coward, you'd be doing what's right." I nodded and then Blooky quietly asked "...Have you chosen a club yet?" I nodded my head. 'Magic' And, again with the widened eyes and something stopping the next question. We've arrived at school.

-Temskip brought to you by principal Temmie-

It was History now, and before I walked in, I saw two other students that I think were supposed to be in History class too walk by. Instead of entering, I followed them, even after the bell rang. Soon enough, I caught up to them. One was a skeleton, and the other was a human.

I tapped on the human's shoulder, causing him to turn around quickly in surprise, arm drawn back to hit me. But, before he could land the strike, my eyes widened and I dove into him in a hug. "Wha- What the?! What are you doing?! Who even are you?!" He yelled as his friend got ready to kick me off of him. When he tried to, I dodged, to excited to get angry at the unfamiliar skeleton. I was still hugging him. I couldn't believe it! It was Chara, my old chocolate-loving childhood friend!(Just go with it, ok? I love this version of Chara, so I couldn't resist) Chara then pushed me off of him, but as he was doing so, he realized who I was and went speechless. I waved my hand in a sorta long-time-no-see way. Then, it was his turn to do a hug. "Y/N! I missed you! Where did you go?!" "Um... Chara? Who's this, and how do you know them?" "Horror, this is Y/N, she was my best friend from Preschool." 'Are you still your troublesome self?' "Yep, but why aren't you speaking?"(Just pretend that he learned to understand WingDings) I pointed to the skeleton he called Horror."Don't worry, he won't tell anyone about it, will you Horror?" Chara said that last part a little bit menacingly. Horror just gulped and nodded. "⚐😐 ❄☟☜☠📪 ☟⚐🕈🕯💧 ❄☟✋💧✍ 👍✌☠ ✡⚐🕆 🕆☠👎☜☼💧❄✌☠👎 💣☜✍(Ok then, how's this? Can you understand me?)" "Yep! Good to know I can still understand you!" Horror's eyes just showed surprise. Then, I remembered History class, and I got angry. "...We're dead for skipping class, aren't we?" I didn't respond. Instead, I grabbed Horror by the arm, Chara by the ear, and dragged them back to class, Chara saying "ow" the whole way there. When we got there, I kicked the door three times. I heard some muffled speech and someone walking over to open the door. It turned out to be PJ. When he saw who I had with me, his eyes widened for the second time that day. I just motioned for him to move as I threw Chara and Horror onto the ground in front of the whole class. Mr. Nightmare had his back to me and was turning around when he said "Explain why you are late to class by 15 minu-" He stopped and revised his sentence when he saw Chara and Horror in front of me. "...Nevermind. You get no punishment for being late Y/N. On the other hand, you two..." I went up to Mr. Nightmare and showed him 'I'll tutor them in History. No offense, but no matter what you say will stop me from doing so.' "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Very well then. Chara, Horror, you two will be tutored in History by Y/N here." Then, he did something that left everyone except me in shock. He gave me a small smile. I softly smiled back at him, then sat down, Chara and Horror on both sides of me.

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