Chapter 15 - Packing and Meeting up

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We just played games for the rest of the day until we had to leave and lock up the school. It was our own private hangout spot. Fresh said that everyone could come over to his house and play board and video games. So that is what we did.

We all decided to go to Fresh's house and we also had the idea that we would make it a sleepover. So while the others were getting their own stuff I changed back into my Lamia form and slithered back to the cave to grab my stuff and I decided to pack.

I packed, A change of clothes, headphones, phone charger, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair elastics(if you have long hair), shoes-if I were to go in my human form- to wear.

I packed my stuff in my school backpack and then I changed my shirt and put my now ruined pair of jeans in the pile to be sewn back together. I put my hair into a little bun(if you can) and then set off for the park we are supposed to meet at. I start to slither off until I get hungry.

I decided to wait until I get to Fresh's house and then I will ask if I can eat, I am also considering going back to speaking in WingDings again. It made my life easier then to just speak normally, since I am not used to speaking like that.

I was so caught up in thought when I noticed that I missed the trail out to the main road. I turn back to the way I am supposed to be going and I bolt towards the trail. I slow down with my slithering when I am going up the trail to try and gain my sense of thought again.

What will happen? What will we be doing? When can I eat? What type of food do they have? What type of food do skeletons eat? Can skeletons eat? I mean they can, Fresh and PJ eat at lunch. Do they have Bacon?

Again my train of thought was lost when I was starting to go off trail. I decided to just slither there as fast as I can so I can have a clear mind for when I get there. I eventually made it to the main road and then made my way to the park. I decided to stop at a hot dog stand because my stomach would not stop rumbling.

I walked up to the hot dog stand and got a hot dog with (Condiment) and (Condiment) and then sat down on the curb of the road and ate it while savouring the taste of the two condiments mixed together.

Once I finished I got up and slithered to the park and while I was on my way there I noticed that there was someone I know who was walking in front of me. Chara! I tapped on his shoulder and he turned around to face me.

"Oh hey Y/N!" He said as motioned for me to walk(slither in your case) with him.

"☟♏⍓ 👍♒♋❒♋"
(Hey Chara) I said as we started walking towards the direction of the park.

"Howzit going?" He asked as I shrugged in response. "Not that good?" He asked as I gave him an agreeing look.

"❄♒♓■♑⬧ ♍□◆●♎ ♌♏ ♑□♓■♑ ⬧❍□□⧫♒♏❒ ♌◆⧫ ♓⧫ ♓⬧ ♑□♓■♑ ◻♋❒⧫♍♓♋●●⍓ □&📬"
(Things could be going smoother but it is going partcially ok.) I said as I looked over to my side to see the park in eyes view. I pointed to the park as I nudged Chara.

"Ok we are almost there, thats good then we can proceed with the sleepover." Chara stated as I started to get excited.

I grabbed his hand and slithered towards the park, with each second passing I was getting faster and faster.

We got there in record time because of me slithering like a bolt of lightning. We walked- well he did. But we walked in the park and went to where there was a little crowd. From what we could tell it was everyone waiting for me and Chara.

I felt bad that they had to wait for us, either way I ignored that feeling and smiled knowing I had such good friends.

"HEY LOOK! IT'S Y/N AND CHARA !" I heard Papyrus shout as everyone turned to me slithering closer to them.

I looked at them as a few of them had an angry look on their faces. I shrugged it off and continued. I looked back and Chara had a purple hue on his face. I hope he doesn't have a fever (You are a bit Naїve, right now. Pls don't hate meh)

Chara's Pov
Y/N is holding my hand and I feel my face heating up, I need to calm my blush down but it isn't working! Crap. I keep blushing as we continued to walk closer and closer to the group.

Fresh's Pov
I felt a bit jealous, but happy/angry when I remembered when we played Seven Minutes in heaven, when Y/N pulled out my/(someone else's item)
(He was angry if you picked someone else's item and happy if you picked his item.)

But I shook it off, Y/N had her F/C school backpack and her H/L H/C flowing behind her. I tried to hide my blush and I also noticed that the others besides BP, Undyne, SG, and Alphys are blushing.

"Hey guys! I-I hope you don't mind but I invited D-Dust as well." I said trying to break the others blush and gaze at Y/N.

"H-Hey Y-Y/N, T-T-Thanks F-Fresh for bringing m-me." He stuttered out.

"N-No problem." I stuttered a bit but I acted like I didn't stutter.

PJ's Pov
We were listening to Fresh talk about what we would be doing at the sleepover, when I noticed that Y/N took out her whiteboard and marker to write.

It looks like she is going to be a mute again. But either way she is cute, talking or not.

'Ok now that we all are here can we go?' She wrote on the whiteboard.

"Great idea, so we can actually start the games." I said as everyone looked at me. "Well Y/N wrote something and you all were talking to each other and not paying attention to her." I finished shrugging my shoulders.

"Ok well lets get going!" Papyrus exclaimed but not so loud as he usually talks.

"F-Follow me." Fresh said as he started walking and he grabbed Y/N's wrist before running. I heard Y/N giggle and it made my soul flutter. But it also made me angry that she is giggling because she was giggling because of Fresh and not me making her laugh.

We started to follow but we started to jog to catch up to them. It wasn't that hard for me because I run daily. But Alphys was picked up by Undyne and BP and SG continued to run at my side.

Dust's Pov
I was trying to keep up with the running and jogging, it was getting hard but I managed to keep up, Y/N was laughing, and oh god her voice sounded like an angel's voice.

I was still blushing while trying to keep up but my blush died down and I kept up the pace.

Your Pov
Fresh kept up the pace while gripping my hand and dragging me behind him. We eventually came up to a house which was presumably Fresh's house. It was a light blue house with shutters on the windows.

We walked up to the house, turned the knob and went in


Hello peeps, I am sorry for the delay I have been having a few problems, and just being plain lazy but I just finished going to a hockey game!
I got a fight on camera
It won't let me choose a video from my camera ;-;
Well either way I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Satan is signing out~

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