Chapter 17-Breakfast and confusion

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Y/N's PoV
I woke up on (skeleton of choice.)'s shoulder. His head was leaning on mine. If I moved it would wake him up. I decided to move and get up to get changed for the day.

He woke up and looked at me with blush on his face. I blushed as well. I got up and grabbed my bag and speed walked into the bathroom to get changed into a baggy shirt and I changed out of my Lamia form. And I put on some jeans and walked out to see everyone waking up.

"Hey Y/N good to see you are looking better." BP said.

'What happened?' I signed.

"You were acting tired and weird last night." Undyne laughed.

'I was?' I signed confused.

"Well anyways w-whose up for pancakes?" Fresh asked.

We all raised our hands.
Fresh and Dust served up pancakes for all of us along with bacon(or something meat free if you are vegetarian.) we all got our plates of food and went back to sit in front of the TV.

We turned on a reality tv show (of choice) and we started eating until the screen turned red. Amber alert.

We all looked at each other before the alarm on the TV went off. We all sat straight and watched as it was talking about a little boy going missing.

It was in the area too.

'A little boy has gone missing between 1:35 am and 6:30 am. The little boy has short brown hair. Light brown skin color and brown. The little boy has last been seen wearing baggy pants. And a green and yellow striped sweater. (Yup you probably know who I am talking about.) The little boy was known as Kris and was last seen at a little park near Underhigh. If you have any information on the whereabouts of this boy, please contact your local police.' The automated voice said.

We all looked at each other and then decided to change the channel to another station, just for it to be about Kris. We switched stations again and it was about the kissing boy, Kris.

We decided to finish our food and then we would get ready and go out searching.

I got a bag and a blanket and towel just incase Kris is cold or covered in something. I also got a few sandwiches from Fresh's fridge.

We all were ready 10 minutes later. I gave them all a look and they understood.

We would go our separate ways to search and if anyone found him, they would call me.

We walked out of the house and split up into groups of two. (Skeleton of choice) with me and the rest decided who they wanted to go with (SoC) wanted to come with me so why not? I let him come with me and we set off.

We were on a mission to find this kid.

(Sooooo... update, I will be updating when I have inspiration and when I have time to, School and everything has been hitting me hard right now. And I have been trying to catch a break. Bt I will update whenever I can, inspiration just hit me at 12:51 am right now. So I will try to update whenever.)

(So quick change, I messed up, I fixed it.)

~Satan is signing out~

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