Chapter 5 the sleepover pt.1

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-Y/N POV- Saturday, (random address), 5:25 p.m.

I was five minutes early. 'Might as well knock. It's not like I have anything better to do.' I thought as I knocked on the door. As I was waiting, I checked my bag to make sure I had everything. Sleeping bag: Check. Phone: Check. Timber Rattlesnake: Check. Flashlight: Check. Small Pranking Kit: Check. Two Frying Pans: Check. After making sure that I had everything I needed, the door opened to reveal Undyne and a skeleton I recognized from school, but have yet to talk to.

"Heya punk! You realize you're early right?" "Yeah, I realize that

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"Heya punk! You realize you're early right?" "Yeah, I realize that. But, I don't have anything else to do. I literally checked my bag for the fifth time while waiting for you to respond to me knocking. Who's this?" "Damn punk, you really don't like to waste time. By the way, this is Dust." "Hi there, uh..." "Y/N, my name is Y/N. Nice to meet you Dust." "Wait, Y/N? As in Y/N from Thursday after school? The one who Bunny tried to fight in front of basically the whole school?" "Yep, that's me." "Heh, nice to meet you to!" "Anyways, come on in, punk! You're the first one to arrive anyways." "Wait, seriously?" "Yeah, the rest have yet to come." "Wow... Lol." I went inside and placed my sleeping bag in the room that Undyne told me everyone would be sleeping in, along with the rest of my stuff. She then told me the entire list of people coming. PJ, BP, SG, Fresh, Alphys, Blooky, Papyrus, Ink, Error, Nightmare, Dream, Frost, Palette, Snazzy, Swifty, Siren, Blueberry, Horror, Chara, and then some names that I didn't recognize, Lust, Red, Asriel, Frisk, and Goth. "Let me guess, I'll meet Lust and the rest when they get here." "Yeah, basically. Hey, do you want to prank one of the next people to come?" "Eh... Sure, why not? I have a fake spider in my bag, anyone afraid of spiders?" "Goth is, I'll let you know when he's at the door." "Ok then, I'll get it out."

-Timeskip to when only Goth has yet to come-

"Hey punk! Goth's here!" At those words, I quickly got onto an area above the doorframe and got ready to drop the spider. I had tied a white string to it's abdomen so it could look like it was slowly making it's way down. Anyways, when Goth had walked through the door, everyone except him saw the spider slowly make it's way down. "Sorry that I'm late. I had to close up the library. Why are you all looking at me like th-" Then, he saw the fake spider in front of his face and screamed. I was laughing so hard that I fell off the ledge I was standing on. Right before I hit the ground, Chara caught me, and gently put me down on the ground as I was still silently dying of laughter. About five minutes later of me laughing, I finally calmed down enough to see all of the boys besides BP, Blooky, and Papyrus blushing at me. "Um... why are you all blushing at me?" When I said that, they all looked, turned, or walked away. When I made sure that they were all not looking at me, I smirked, knowing that they all liked me. 'This is gonna be one hell of a high school love.'

A/N- 590 words

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