Chapter 18- Search and Find

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     As we walked, well he walked I slithered. We kept taking twists and turns. We couldn't find anything to lead to her disappearance. I kept looking around along with (SoC) we looked and looked. He kept shouting and looking around. I decided to use my voice instead of staying silent.

"KRIS!!? Where are you?!" I shouted as (SoC) looked over at me. "What? I am going to speak or there will really no reason to search if we can't call out for him" I said as (SoC) shrugged and we continued calling out for Kris and walking around.

As we walked it seemed like someone was following us. I tapped (SoC) and he looked at me. I motioned to behind us and he got it. We started going a bit faster to lose whoever was following us.

Eventually the following stopped and we were safe, but we weren't in the town part anymore. We were in the city area, far from the school and everything that is known to us.

As we walked we started noticing  some weird things going on around us. We looked around and then saw a man pulling a boy behind him with the green sweater. Kris.

Me and (SoC) looked at each other and then ran/slithered towards the man and Kris. The man looked at us and stared wide eyed. He let go of the boy and ran.

(SoC) stayed with Kris while I kept up after the man. I kept going and going until I pounced and knocked him over. I had him down and (SoC) came up behind me holding Kris and calling the police.

Later on, the police had the man in the vehicle and Kris was now with his parents. We were being questioned by the police and we answered. They brought us down to the station and we took an 'official' statement and then we were free to leave. We left and everything was outside the police station.

(I am intentionally making the chapters short, and I am having some probes in real life, so I am taking longer, I apologize for the wait, and for 'Neko Reader x PJ Naj' that will be updated at a later date, I am going back to my old hometown and there is barely any Wifi there.)

~Satan is signing out~

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