Pictures and Giggles~

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Please read the A/N at the end. If you do, you'll understand a lot.


I stood by a bunch of other students, some I knew, some I didn't, waiting for Swifty to start taking photos. Suddenly, someone stepped on my tail, - because I had that out - and I hissed loudly in pain, turning around and smacking whoever did that. They smacked back, and I literally pounced, or in this case struck, them, so we began rolling around in the ground scratching at each other. Soon though, I had that kid pinned, but before I could do anything more, I was pulled off of them by Snazzy. As a last shot, I wrapped my tail around their waist, flipped them over, and stuffed their face into the ground. I was scolded a lot for that. But that final scene made it into the yearbook, so it's funny.


Ok dear readers. So, I've lost my 'spark' for writing. Majority of my books were crappy in my present opinion, and I'm honestly more into just reading others' books. So you'll probably only see me in comments, or RPs, if I ever join one. So... This book in now owned by @FreshTheFreshestSans ! This chapter was my final push of a joke. Have a good one, I suppose.


((So here is where I take over, for the upmajority of what you wrote it was really good, and not all of your books are 'crappy' I personally like them. ))

((And "FreshTheFreshestSans" was my old account name just fyi for all you new peoples))

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