Chapter 3

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Present time

Another day, the same dream keeps replying in my head almost every night and it just angers me. I was young and I had no idea what to do. I am cursed and my dad literally gave me all of his power to keep me alive.

'You!!! Your the girl that stole my money!' A man shouts in the distance.

'Oh my goodness! I think I know her too!! She took the food from my stall!!!?!' A woman stands beside him and shouts. Oh no this can't be good. They both comes towards me and I quickly jump on the roof.

'I'm calling the police!' The woman shouted and as I face the front. I see 3 warriors just 10 meters away from me on the roof. You got to be kidding me...


'Your name is?' The woman asks and I roll my eyes.

'Kalee' I say and she writes it down.

'So, you stole money and food? Why did you do that?' She asks

'Isn't it obvious? I have no home. No money? No food' I wave my hands in front of her.
'So are you gonna let me go?'


'and why the hell not!?' I shout and took a deep breath in.
'You know what Fine, lets play it your way'


'You know... I can break these' I say looking down at the wooden handcuffs. The guy in front just stares at me. I roll my eyes and I use my energy to break it. It falls apart and onto the ground.

'Are you a warrior?' He asks. Usually warriors or royals have special powers but some people in the village do have special abilities just maybe they don't want to become a warrior.

And anyway, doesn't mean people with special abilities should be warriors Since they are all under the rule of the royal family.

I thought for a moment. I shrug. 'Never thought about it'

'Would you like to be one?' He asks and puts his hand in his hips.

'Your asking me? You are literally asking a criminal to be a warrior.' I say in disbelief.

'At Least you admit that you are a criminal. Get in!' He pushes me into a cell with a few people.

I roll my eyes and sat on the sandy ground. I look around to see some young girls and boys around my age. They are all skinny and frail. Were they even been fed?

'Hey!' I shout to the guy and he turns back

'What?' He frowns

'When does food come??'

'What??? This is not free service girl. You think you can have free things? Think of what you did!' He shouts and closes the door shut.

'Whatever' I say and sat down on the ground. I lean my head back and my eyes starts to feel heavy. I sigh and later found myself in deep sleep.

8 years ago (Aged: 8)

I open my eyes to only see dark room and thick grey doors with only one small square visible to the outside. Very little light passes through the top windows in the middle of the room because it was all covered up safely by a translucent board and still bars on it.

The room is small and there was about 6 people in here. I feel sick and tired. I don't even know if it's because I sleep to much or I am catching a fever.

Time is countless here. It feels like time isn't moving at all. What sucks more when you are stuck in prison at such a young age and you did not commit any crime. Though the 6 people here are all children and all of us have not done a single wrong thing. For now. Most of us are homeless.

What was my crime? People taking suspicious of me. Who thinks of a 8 year old to be suspicious?? When you see one??? Like how?? Well maybe it's the curse I have. I didn't know what it was until I realised, it was a curse that people will hate me no matter what I do. It's stupid really. What did I do to deserve this?

'Pss kalee'

'What?' I hiss at maya

'I think they forgot to give our food' Maya says

'They only care about themselves maya. Don't you get it?' I snapped and lay my back against the wall.

About an hour passed and the small square on the door opens. A basket of bread appeared. I took the basket and distributed to everyone. However, there was only 5 bread. How nice. I put the basket back to the door and lean back to the wall and close my eyes.

I felt a light tap on my arm and I look down to see Kenneth showing me a bread in his hand. He was only 3 years old but I will say he is pretty smart for his age.

'Brwead for youw' he says in his cute voice and I shook my head and smiled.

'I'm not hungry'

'Okay....' he says and start to eat it. I feeling of relieve wash over me. As soon as I wanted to close my eyes again, I was disturbed when maya shakes me and throws me a bread. I catch it and frown at her.

'There isn't enough. I will share mine with yours' she said and I could feel a small spark of happiness raise in me.

Present time
'Hey....' I snap my eyes open to see a girl trying to give me a bread in her hand.

'Oh what? Is it lunch now?' I rub my eyes

'Yes...' She says softly

'Just bread for lunch?' I ask

'The bread has butter in it' She says and puts it into my palm. She was skinny and I could almost see the bones through her skin. I was about to eat when the dream just now runs through my head. It's more like a flashback but it all appears in my dreams some how.

'Here I am not hungry. I actually ate before coming here' I say and handed her the bread.

'No you should eat' she insists but I stop her hand.

'Your skinny look like you have not been fed well. Just eat it up' I say and close my eyes again. There was silence and later I smiled when I hear her chewing onto the bread.

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