Chapter 18

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THE NEXT DAY I check myself in the mirror. My face and lips are almost pale. There is like a loss of blood. I am definitely tired...

I walk to the living room and I could some chatting already from a distance. As I reached, I see William talking to Luna on the couch. I look to my right to see Beth in the kitchen.

'Oi!! Morning everyone!' Elijah says cheerfully and walks pass me without realising that he pushed me to the side a bit. I frown and stood straight again.

'Oh- sorry ka-

'Leave it' I say in a Low tone. I can feel everyone looking at me but Ignore it. I continue to walk and sat down the soft pillows around the dining table.

'Oh kalee abou-

'I don't want to talk' I snap and give William my angry face. I sigh and walk out to the porch at the back of the house. I sit down on the chair and lean back.

I need to tell them... I need to break this stupid curse but I can't do it alone. I can't but why can't I tell them? Maybe I'm scared.

I hear the wooden floor squeaking. I turn around to see Zen at the door way. He smiles a little before turning his head away. He continues to to the grass and practices training on his own.

Soon Scarlet and Darcy appears at the front door. I hear them talking and later I could hear their steps closer to me.

'Hey..... Sister!' Darcy hits my shoulder and I raise an eyebrow.

'I don't think you should.... do that.... never mind....' Luna says and later looks away.

'Sister?' I raise an eyebrow

'I don't know... it has been a very Long time since I actually saw my sister?' Darcy laughs and later stops when everyone is just staring at her. Including me.
'Mmmm never mind'

'I want to notice everyone that, we have to work together as a team today and importantly keeping everything safe. Kalee however will not be safe if she faces with Seth' Williams states

'Why?' Darcy asks

William breathes. 'and you Darcy'

'What? Why? I'm strong enou-

'I know you are. I know you both are but if he lay his hands on you. You two are in greater danger. He knows kalee is alive and if he knows you are alive too. He won't hesitate to kill both of you.' William says.

'His right' scarlet says and puts her hand on Darcy's shoulder. The rest goes to Zen discussing about something. Darcy drags her feet and sits next to me.

'I'm going to end Seth!' She whispers- shouts to herself. I look at her.

'Me too. It is what is keeping me alive' I say


'I'm alive because I want to stop him for good' I say and frown

'Oh... well I'm alive .... well obviously because scarlet saved me but...' she pauses

'But?' I ask

'But because before my last breath. She asked me why I deserved to be alive. I said I wanted to find you and end Seth. I knew from my heart that you were alive. You are my here that's why I'm alive kalee.' She says softly. I open my eyes bigger.. I felt a warm sensation in my heart and later a punch of guilt.

I breathe 'oh.... I didn't know that'

'Yea.... um anyway I'm just saying, we shouldn't look in the negative side. Let's look ok the positive side' she shifts in her sit and look to me with sparks in her eyes.

'Not happening' I say and look away.


'I mean ..... your right but, it's hard for me. I try but Everyday.....I just want to break down Darcy. I miss everything we had. Now it is taken away by Seth and he is going to pay for it. I don't care if I die. I just want him gone for good.' I say and stand up. I call Beth and she follows me with her into the house.

Darcy sits still, still staring at me.



I turn my head and my face relaxes. I did not even know I was frowning until I turned my head.

'Is there something bothering you?' Beth asks and puts a cup of water in front of me. I feel my heart warm and my shoulders relaxed. I don't know why but Beth makes me calm.

I didn't say anything and took a sip of water. I put the cup down and thought for a moment.

'Beth' I say

'Yea kalee?' She says quickly

'There is something I need to tell you' I say and face her. She nods and leans closer to listen. I let out a breath before speaking.

'No matter what happens to me, I want you to help the others'

'I will come back for you....'

'Beth... I know I may seem like I don't care about any of them. I really do and a lot. I will do anything to safe them. Can please just do that for me?' I smile slightly. She thinks for about before closing her eyes and opening again.

'Understood' She says and I lean back on the chair.


'Oh!' Darcy says startled and takes a step back. I was halfway putting a pill in my mouth. I frown at her loud voice. I quickly pop the pill in my mouth and swallow it down my throat with water.

'You scared me....' she breathes. I gulp the last bit of water down an put it in the sink and turn back to face her.

'So umm, what do you wanna do?' She says casually and I sigh.

'I don't know but I am definitely going with them. They are going to risk their life's for this. We need to do it together...' I say trying to hide my frustration.

'You know....your right but William is also-

'You trust that man?' I frown

'Yea.... I mean we can trust him? You don't?' She asks. I clench my fingers together tightly.

'At times, his trustable but at times like this. He is just going to get himself killed. What an old man isn't he? He knows I'm reckless but look who is the one doing it' I spit and walk out of the house. I notice that there was no sign of anyone and I immediately knew. They were gone.

I can suddenly feel a drop in my stomach and my guts telling me something is wrong. I frown. I close my eyes and lift my head up a bit, letting my nose touch the small wind blowing just above my face.

'Kalee! Kalee! Wait up!' She comes to my side and pauses. I open my eyes and look at her. She gasps.

'Blood...' She says worriedly

'It has started' she breathes

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