Chapter 4

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'You! Come out' The policeman shouts and opens the gate. I stand up on my feet hesitantly and got out. I show him my wrist expecting him to put handcuffs on me but he just pushed me forward. We walk out until I was met with another men who look around his 30s. I frown when he meets my eyes and walks towards us.

'Is this the girl?' The policeman asks and the other men nodded.

'What? Um what is going on?' I ask but he just walks back to his office. I awkwardly face back to the men in front of me. He was about 172 cm talk and I am only about 158 cm tall. He has black hair and I am sure his bangs are Long because it is neatly tug behind his head with gel.

My eyes soon later reach his clothes. He was wearing a military green shirt and pants. I look to his left and I see a sword hanging at his side. I see his hand covered with a black glove. His hands tighten around the handle of the sword and I look up to him.

'You must be wondering' He finally speaks and I frown.

'Um so am I out of jail?...' I ask

'Yes you are' he says calmly

'Why...? Did someone bring me out??'

'I did' he says monotoned and I look at him weirdly. He takes in a deep breathe before speaking.
'You must be hungry'

My eyes lit up like a thousand lights


'Wow I have not eaten in days!!' I exclaim and drank the last bit of soup down my throat. I wipe my mouth with my hands and look to my side. He was calmly sitting down, staring into space with his hands interlocking on the table.

'Thank you... for the meal' I mumble and waited for his response. About 7 seconds he said something.

'Your welcome' He says

'Um so....why are you being so nice to me?' I ask and he frowns.

'Because.. I know you are the daughter of Henry' He says calmly. A wave of pain hits me. I close my eyes and look away. I bit my lip tightly before speaking.

'I don't know what you are talking about' I say bitterly and made my way out of the small stall.

'Where are you going?' He runs from behind and I face back.

'Uh home?' I raise my eyebrows and turn back to walk forward but I was held back by his hand.

'I know you don't have a home' he says with no expression again. I sigh and push his hand away.

'Do you....have any emotions???' I frown and he raises his eyebrows. He just stares and I groan frustrated.

'Thank you for getting me out really. But you shouldn't be so nice to me' and with that I jump on top of the stall roofs and made a run to somewhere.


'You know.... you should really think first before you left' I hear a deep voice and I jump up from the ground.

'What in the world!?' I get up startled.
'How did you-

'I just did' he frowns

'Look, I still don't know who you are. Stop following me' I fold my arms.

'That is why, I am here to tell you who I am' he says and I raise an eyebrow.

'Who are you than?'

'I can tell that you clearly know who your Father is... I use to work for him when I was at your age' he says and takes a deep breathe in before continuing.
'Before... things starts to fall, he made a promise with me. Is to keep you safe'

'Look.. I have no idea what you are saying' I frown and walk away. I pick up my speed and started to dash forward. This time he better not find me.


The sun starts to set and most stalls are closed. It was now a dark and a empty road. I walk on the road not worried because everyone is home and most of them know I'm always around at any time. They would shut their windows when I walk pass their houses. What pain me the most is seeing families happy together.

When I was young I always think of what happy endings there will be. My Mother use to sing every morning and evening when the sun starts to sets or rise. Her voice has always been stuck in my head and I will never forget it.


I turn around behind me and look to my right. I frown and walk to my right. It was a dark alley. Really dark.


I run forward and later saw a cat on top of a dumpster. I sigh in relieve and pat it on the head. It purrs and rubs his head on my hand. I laugh lightly. The cat hisses suddenly and runs away. I press my lips together and sighed.

Just as I turn around, there was a dark figure in the distance and I immediately felt danger. The dark figure gets closer and closer. There was a small lamp on the wall beside me. Though it was blinking and a little dim. The face of the dark figure could be seen.

'You are going to die kalee' His voice was deep and menacing. I cringe at his tone and smirk.

'You sure about that?' A fuel of excitement washes over me. I have no idea how he knows my name but I'm pretty this person wants no business.

He rushes and grabs me in throat. A memory flashes through my mind and I felt anger. I hold onto his hand and squeezed it tightly.
He hands soon looses around my throat and he bends down screaming in pain. I crush his bones and threw him to the side. He hits a the wall, making a huge dent in it.

'I think the one that is going to die. Is you' I smirk. Suddenly a gush of wind flows through the air. I turn back to see another person about to kick me in the face. I jump back in time and landed on my feet safely.

My eyes catches his green eyes and some memories flashes through my mind. I met him somewhere..

'Elijah' I raise my voice. He smiles and steps forward into the dim light.

'We meet again Kalee' He says and I smile

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