Chapter 27

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THE NEXT DAY the bags under my eyes seems to fade away. Last night was the most peaceful sleep I have ever had. I did not have any nightmares or flashbacks. I don't even remember what my dream was. Or was I not even dreaming?

Images of Darcy still fills my head but after the talk with William yesterday. I can't but feel so ..... relieved and happy?

The smell outside is fresh and a little aroma hits my nose as the wind blows. I can see a few petals from the flowers flying with the wind. I don't know why but it look beautiful. I feel a tear drop down my cheek and I lift my hand to touch it. I wipe it away.
Why am I even crying? I don't even know anymore.

I walk forward to a red petal on the ground. I pick it up and give it a good look. As soon as blood flashes into my mind, I frown and throw the red petal back to the ground. What was that? Is this what I get for not having nightmares?

My head suddenly feels lightheaded and I make my way back into the house. I sit down on the couch slowly and rub my forehead. Why am I so giddy? I look down to my hands and they were pale. Maybe I'm just dehydrated?

'Morning!' I hear Luna say in a cheery tone. How is she so cheery in the morning?

'Morning' I say simply

'How are you?' She comes and sits beside me, making the couch sink a bit to the side.

'I'm.... alright' I say softly. She nods and proceeds to take out some food from the shelf. I take in a breathe and my eyes focus on the counter. There was the bottle of pills. I have been trying not to think about it, but now I need it so badly....

I was about to stand up on my feet and I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder. I sit back down on the couch, like someone pushed me.

'Um' I look up to see Carter and I give him a annoyed face. He doesn't say anything and I just get back in my feet. I go to the kitchen and fill a cup of water for myself. Ignoring the bottle of pills at the side. When I turn around, I see Carter near me. I almost scoot away because I did not know he was that close to me but I stayed out and let out a breath.

'Carter, don't do that' I say irritated.

'Oh! Sorry' He laughs and I roll my eyes

'What is it?' I ask and he stops laughing. He thinks for a Long while before speaking.

'Uh, it has been a few days since I stayed with you guys. So is the plan to stop Seth and Cade?' He asks and is nod.

'Cool....' he says and I give him the "okay........." look as I drink the cup of water.

'So how Long are we going to wait?'

'I don't know but I know we can not wait for too Long' I say and he leans against the table.

'Well, no matter how Long it takes. I'm willing to do anything to stop them'

'Good than' I smile


Today isn't that a bad day but looking forward to the next day is nerve racking. You don't know what the next day is going to be and living in a world like this is just building up more anxiety. You know sometimes I just wish that things could be solved quickly but life isn't like this. Until now, I actually never noticed how Long that i am still alive. I'm still waiting.... for the day, I really die.

and... I have a plan. Seth is strong but Cade is stronger. Killing Seth may be a higher chance than Cade. However, if we were to take both down. That will be horrible. I will lose everyone. That must be the mistake I did. My plan may go well and it may not but it is for the best that I don't tell anyone my second plan.

'Kalee!' I was welcome with a big hug behind me. I hear Luna laugh and she lets go of me. I turn around and give a small smile. I look behind her, to see Carter and Zen. I don't know why but this two guys seriously have angry looks on their faces all the time and always trying to act cool. Even while standing.

'We just finished training' Luna say

'Oh how did it go?' I ask Luna and later turn to look at Zen and Carter.'You two, can you guys even smile?'

They both look startled, and look at each other. Zen gives a disgusted face and turns away. Carter does the same.

'Um what is with those guys?' I say annoyed

'Well, Carter definitely crushed Zen. So....' Luna says and turns to look at them. She looks at me and give a sheepish smile.

' eh? Carter crushes Zen?' I raise my eyebrows

'Oh come on!' Zen shouts and walks away in frustration

'What can I say princ- kalee. I'm awesome right?' Carter says proudly and I stared at him.

'Don't think so highly of yourself just because you won. You little jerk' I walk forward and punch in his stomach. He hunches toward grabbing his stomach.

'I'm still stronger' I stick out my tongue and smile. He grins and try's to stand up straight.

As I walk out of the house, to the garden. The smell of followers hits my nose. Until when there was too much, I sneezed.

'Bless you' I hear Elijah say and I turn to see him shirtless. He smiles and I look away. Frozen, I just saw his six abs. Seriously. Why do the good looking guys, I know are idiots!?

'Oh thanks' I mumble and turn around showing my back to him.

'Uh... you wanna join with me and William? Beth is also training with us' Elijah says. I hold myself together and turn back, avoiding eye contact.

'Yea sure' I say without thinking and walk into the building.

'Kalee' I jump back and put my hand to my chest.

'Oh goodness' I Whisper

'Sorry kalee... I did not mean to scare you' Beth says and I just wave it off.

'Here for training. Finally huh?' I hear William say and I give him a glare.

'Ready?' Elijah says, swinging his sword in his hand playfully.

'Ready as I will ever be' I smile.

Things suddenly goes fast and he launches for me. Usually the things around me slows down but somehow it becomes lighting fast. My eyes could not even catch a side glimpse of him. My body reacts so slowly and before I knew it, I feel a cut on my arm. Did he just cut me?

'Kalee! I'm so sorry!' Elijah comes to my side and holds my arm out. It takes me a while to process what was going on and I push his hand away.

'I'm fine' I say without looking to him in the eyes. What just happened? How can I be so slow?

'Ha ha. You need more training kalee' William laughs and I growl lowly. The wound was not big or deep so my body healed it back perfectly fine.

'I'm sorry-

'Elijah. I said I'm fine. Look it is healed' I point to my arm

'Oh right... you can heal' Elijah says unsurprised. I let out a Long sigh.

'Come on.. back to training'

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