Chapter 6

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8 years ago (out of jail. Aged: 8)

'Grandpa' I say but he never answered.

'Grandpa it's me' I say again and this time he looks up to me.

'Kalee' he says raspy because of his old age.
'Good you are here. I need you to continue to train'

'Grandpa... I was on the run from jail?' I say hurt expecting him to have said something nicer.

'I know' he says

'Why didn't you help me get out??' I frown

'Because I wanted you to be strong. It is a good lesson you know' he says casually and I clench my teeth closely together.

'Come! Keep your eyes focused!' He says and was about to kick me in the face. I mange to jump back but I felt the impact. I land on the ground with my knees. I wipe the dirt of my face and stood up.

'Is that all you got kalee?!' He shouts before taking his sword from his side.

'Of course not' I hiss. He comes forward but I use my bare arms to block the sword. I shout in anger and push him back. The wind around us stops and he puts his sword back to his side.

'Welcome back kalee. I'm Glad your safe' he says softly and walks back into the house. I frown and later took in a breathe of relieve.

Present time

I wake up and I feel the heat from the sun in the room. I got up slowly and notice a shirt on the table. I walk to the table and notice a black jeans underneath. Both were black in colour. There was another rather Long shirt. It was also in black. What is with the the black colours? I put it out to notice it was something like a jacket instead because there was Long sleeves but the buttons on it goes only on the top.

I look to some things beside it. There was a leather pouch and some chains. I frown, trying to think what it was but soon I realise it's a knife pouch.

I put on whatever was on the table and step out of my room.

I notice William outside talking with another person. I quietly walk out and put on my old brown boots. I wanted to be supper quiet while I put my boots on but because there was buckles on it, it made a loud click sound.

Both them looks to my direction. Embarrassed, I cleared my throat and got up.

'Who is that?' The guy who William was talking to asks. I frown at his tone. It wasn't a very welcoming tone.

'That is kalee. Kalee meet Zen' William says and I step closer to them.

'hi..' I say but this guy just stares at me and it is getting on my nerves. He has light brown hair and it was wavy. His hair is parted and his bangs goes to his left touching a bit of his eyebrows. He raises an eyebrow when my eyes meets his.

'What?' I say bluntly

'Nothing' he shurgs and I gave him a weird look.

'Your eyes kalee. They are different from everyone else's' William says and I face him.

'Different?' I ask confused.

'Your eyes changes in colour in whenever you change your attitude or feelings' ' William says and I raise my eyebrows. It's not like I can look into the mirror 24/7?

'What are my eyes colour now?' I ask

'They are yellow' zen says and I feel a blush creep up my cheeks. Yellow means to be amazed by someone. I promise that was not what I'm thinking....

'Oh' was all I can say.

'So... anyway, William I will get going' zen says and pats his shoulder before walking off. My eyes follows as he goes off but soon my vision was blocked.


'What?' I fold my arms

'Training starts now but -

'Breakfast will come later if only after I finish training' I continue for him. His eyes grows big and I smirk.

'Smart' he smiles


My grandfather would train me Everyday until I never made a mistake again. He was the only one who I was with since I was 6. His trainings were so harsh that I could go days without eating but still, at the end of the day. I will find a pot of soup and rice in my room in the middle of the night. I would smile to myself and not leave a single food left in the bowl.

I am honestly terrified of him because he is strong and will beat you when you make a mistake. I remember not following his instructions and I did it wrongly. He hits my head and pulls my ears. Sometimes he uses a cane to hit my butt, legs and hands until I got it right. He isn't a bad person, this was just his way of caring for me.

It is definitely painful but I still love him as my grandfather. Without his harsh teachings, I would never survive till today.

'Good' William says
'Try again'

I take in a deep breath and close my eyes. William is a strong fighter. I can tell his strong with weapons in his hands. I never had to hold a weapon in my hand before and I have never been so happy to hold a sword now.

I hear nothing but I know he was about to get me. I open my eyes and use my sword to block his. Wind pounces through us. When I noticed he was looking at me. I took the opportunity to bring my sword back and use my feet to kick his out of his hands.

'That's amazing. Did someone taught you all this things?' William says and went to pick up his sword. As soon as he said "someone" I felt my heart troubled again. I bite my cheek hard before replying.

'My grandfather did' I say

'Wow he must be really amazing'

'Yea He was' I say softly

'Was?' He questions

'He safe my life when I was 10' I say as I put the sword back into a rack.
'It resulted in loosing him'

'I'm sorry to hear that kalee...' William says with hurt in his voice. It's almost like out of pity. I sighed.

'You don't have to feel sorry' I say and walk back into the house. I go to the kitchen and fried an egg. I put it on the plate when it was done cooking and set it on the table. I sit down on the soft cushions around the table and started to eat.

'William I have a question' I ask as he walks pass me.

'Go ahead' he says

'Does zen know who I am?' I ask and there was a few seconds of silence.

'He does' he says simply and I continue to eat my food.

About few hours past and it's evening. The whole day I basically did nothing because it was too dangerous outside apparently. I just explored the whole place while I was here. Now I see the sun setting and I got out from my room to the back of the house. There was more garden behind and I'm starting to think... who takes care of all this plants and flowers?

I shrug and look back to see the sun setting. It is amazing how the view from here is as good back home.

'We meet again kalee' a Low voice sounded and I could feel goosebumps around my skin. I growl and turn back to meet green eyes again.

Me editing:
I just noticed I never said how old was Zen. Zen is 18. Currently Kalee is 16 so his two years older.

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