Chapter 31

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'Zen!! Beth! Come look!!! Kalee left a note!!!!' Luna shouts from the kitchen. Zen and Beth runs to the kitchen. Zen snatched the paper out of Luna hands and reads the word on the paper out loud for everyone to hear.

Don't look for me

Zen crushes the paper in one hand and clenches his teeth.

'This is bullshit' Zen spits and the paper starts to burn in his hands.

'Zen. Control yourself. We will-

'Control myself!? You think I'm going to control myself? Kalee is gone and we need to freaking find her. She may be in danger' Zen yells and ashes drop from his hand.

'Zen!' Luna helplessly says

'I'm going to get William!' Carter says in a hurry and rushes out.

'Beth?' Luna worries

'We need to find her' Beth frowns

'We will! After we tell William' Luna says

'It is not that simple. I think I know where she is going' Beth says softly.

'What?' Luna says in distress

'Home' Beth says

'Home? But this is her-

'Her actual home. She is going to face Seth' Beth says. Luna gasps and Whispers "no" three times. William jogs into the house with Elijah and both of them turn to look.

'We are leaving now!' William shouts. Luna and Beth hurriedly packs the house while Elijah search for any clues in kalee's room.

'Children! We are not going to take the train. We are going to teleport! Make sure a every important thing is kept safe in here! I hope I have enough power to do this' William Whispers at the end. Everyone nod at each other before going close to William and whoosh they disappeared.


Did he seriously put human guards in front of the gate. This is going to be easy. One look and they will flee.

I make sure my clothes was neat and I pull the hood off my head. The two Guards sees me and immediately in their eyes they knew who I was. I can hear their heartbeat quicken as I step close to them. They confidently block the way with their swords but I break them into half with my feet, leaving them holding a broken sword.

I can feel everything in me. Pain, hate and pain. Running through my veins. Eventually I break the metal gate with my bare hands and open it. The large gates opens and I walk in. About 5 people land on their feet in front of me. Warriors again.

They sure can be a pain in the ass but I don't think they can beat me yet.

All of them comes to me at once, tackling me down. I use every bit of my muscle and swing them in a circle, making them fly to the sides. I look down and open my hand. In my palm a black flame rose and I smile to myself. Long time no see..

I close my hand when I fee a strong presence in front of me. Cade smirks and I do the same. His face falls and I smirk even more. He walks down the small flight of stairs and stops when he reaches the end.

'What a great welcome' I say sarcastically

'and what a pleasant surprise to see you' Cade says monotone. There was a pause before he clicks his tongue.

'You know, eating the heart of your Sister was delicious' He grins and I laugh like I was crazy.

'Wow. This is really great!' I shout putting the sarcasm. His face falls again and I smile. Soon mine falls to when Seth walks out of the shadows. His face disgusting as ever. Pulling my Sister away from me and not caring in world if he killed her.

'Just who are you...' I breathe

'Oh you know very-

Seth stops smiling and he looks at me with huge eyes.

'Very funny' Seth frowns and wipes the blood of his cheek.

'You know I have always wanted to show my true ability' I say. Nigel and my ability is quite the same. His is physical stronger than his mental state. My mind is stronger than his but my physical ability is weaker. Just commanding what I want can happen without touching.

'Look, if you just want power and fame. It isn't going to be easy. Taking people's places that aren't yours is going to bring karma' I say

'Hmm? Well I'm pretty sure, I have weaken you enough' Seth smirks and I raise an eyebrow.

'Weaken? I don't think you have weaken me at all' I smile

'Maybe this will' Seth says and I frown. A guard drags a little girl by the hand and pushes her forward. She was skinny and very small. Her lips are cracked and her hair was messy. She wore a dirty white dress that goes above her knees. Seth Whispers something into her ear and I could hear her heart beating fast. Her body shakes violently and she looks at me with big eyes. Begging me to help her. It angers me.

Seth grabs her by the neck and she chokes.

'Put her down!' I yell. He doesn't listens and I have no choice but to stop him. I was about the step forward when Cade appears in corny of me.

'Nah ah... you are not going anywhere' Cade smirks. A wave of confidence washes me.

'Is that so?' I smile and cut through his chest with my bare hands. He gasps as my hand pierced through his chest, grabbing his lungs and breaking his lip cage. I let go of the lung and it drops on the ground. I retreat my hand back and he falls on his knees, gasping for air. He will be healing soon, I need to kill Seth soon.

I went for the run and cut his arm off. He yells in agony, holding his shoulder. I catch the girl in my arms before she hits the ground and run back giving a Long distance between us.

'Stay behind me' I say to the girl and she did what I tell her. Her hands grabs onto my cloak, squeezing it. Flashes of pictures comes through my mind and immediately knew this was her past. I knock it off and continue to block them from her.

Cade was still on the floor motionless but he can wake up any second. Seth on the other hand stops screaming and his eyes turn bright red. His mouth becomes bigger. The girl little hands starts to shake more and I give her hand a tight squeeze.

'I'm sacred' She says and tears roll down her cheeks. I was suddenly brought back to when I was little. She must be so terrified.

'It will be alright. I'm right here. I promise all this will stop' I give her a assuring smile. She nods and I look back to Seth. My eyes does move fast enough and he vanishes. Screams sounds form outside.

'Mummy!' The girl shouts. I frown and look at Seth taring a woman apart.

'NOO MUMMY!' The girl cries and loses her balance. She falls to the floor on her knees. Tears floods her cheeks and it reaches to the ground making a patch of water. I bend down to touch her and all her emotions start to fill me. Every memory suddenly comes back to me and soon I feel a tear drop down my face.

She continues crying. I press my lips together tightly and stand up. I take in a breath and close my eyes. I only open them when I couldn't feel anything.

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