Chapter 8

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'We have news' William bursts into the living room.

'What is it?' I ask

'Bad news. Seth has a Son and now his Son is on the way to find you' He says and frown.

'Son? You got to be kidding me' I scoff and wave my hand around.

'You remember Seth do you?' William asks and I slap my hands against my leg when I drop my hands down.

'I don't know his name but looking into your memories. I know who you are talking about. It was the man who killed my who family' I say with venom in my voice

'He knows where you are and we need to leave now-

He was about to finish his sentence when a huge crash sounded above us and soon the house comes to collapse onto me. I felt every impacts of the wood crashing on me and my body is feeling like fire.

My eyes shoots open and I break the wood above me. I look around to see everything destroyed. I get up and stood on top of the wood.

'William!' I shout but there was no answer

'William!?' I shout again but to no avail. I quickly run out of the gate and in the field I see a unconscious William on the ground. I run as fast as I can to the field where his body was.

'William!? Can you hear me???' I shake him but he didn't answer. I put my ear to his heart and I could hear faint beatings.

'Zen!? Elijah!??' I shout and there was silence. Only letting my voice travelling on its own. Anger and worry washes me. I than feel something powerful behind me. I turn around and hit whoever it was but instead of me hitting it. It hits me hard and I fly to the ground.

I look down to see my stomach to see a cut. I didn't even feel the pain until I looked at it. I ignore the pain and look up to see a tall guy smirking at me. Suddenly a surge of pictures fills my mind. I see a picture of a boy leaving a home and giving a promise to his parents. For some reason I feel a pull towards him. I remember that I have an older Brother but he left when I was only 4.

I have no memory of his face but something tells me that I know who was standing front of me.

As soon as my eyes meets with his. His stops smirking and looks at me with shock pasted all over his face. I frown and got up slowly while one hand was on my wound.

Wind passes through the whole place and I feel my hair move as the wind passes through it.

'Nigel?' I breathe. His face soon changes back and he was in front of me in an instant. He raises his sword. I notice it in time and jump backwards. Again I feel pain but now it was on my cheek. I touch it, and I see blood on my hands. I growl angrily and use all my energy to punch him in the face.

I mange to hit him in the face so hard he flys back and hits the ground. He stands up immediately and I clench my hands into a fist. This is not my brother. He is not.

'Your not Nigel' I say angrily. He smirks and wipes the blood off his lips.

'I am Nigel ..sister' he smiles this time and I frown deeply. I take a step back.

'You are working with Seth?' I say trying to see through his head.

'You must be confused. I don't work for him. His my father'

'Not the same blood Nigel. I can see it through your veins and as much as I really want to believe you are not my brother. You are' I clench my hands tighter.

'Henry is not my Father anymore' he growls before using his sword , trying to stab me. I jump backwards and again I feel another cut now on my leg. I was about to dash for him again when Zen appears out of nowhere.

Zen jumps above me and use two swords. However Nigel is too strong and breaks one of his sword. He goes crashing to ground next to William.

Nigel bolts pass me. I turn my head as he passes and I see Elijah. Nigel pierces his sword deep into Elijah's thigh and he screams out in pain. My heart clenches and could feel my body start to fire. I clench my teeth and took Zen's sword on the ground before dashing to Nigel. He blocks my Attack and we both was pushed back.

I quickly rush to Elijah side and help pull out the sword from his leg. I look back to see Nigel attacking me from behind. I hold onto Elijah and push him to the side as hard as I can. I have no freaking idea what is up with my Brother. This is the Brother I don't know.

'Giving up already Sister?' he grins and I spit blood out of my mouth.

'You know, I don't give up' I hiss. He stops grinning.

Zen comes from behind and tries to stab his back but Nigel gets a hold of it and swings him to the side. Nigel was about to stab Zen but I ran as fast as I can blocking his sword from stabbing Zen.

The sword stabs through my shoulder and I scream. I growl angrily and he takes the sword out of my shoulder. I turn around , ready to use my nails to scratch across his face but he was gone. He vanished. I frown and tried to see if he was hiding but I didn't feel any sense of danger.

'Kalee your shoulder.' Zen gets up and walks to me

'Don't touch it. I'm fine' I say and run to William.

'William! Are you awake?? You can't seriously be unconscious for so long' I shake his shoulders but he still doesn't answer.

'I think he really knocked him out good. We should head for shelter and clean your wounds too kalee' Zen says and I sigh.

'I'm not carrying him. You are' I say and make my way to Elijah that is still in pain.

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