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The two let out together in surprise. Although, surprise was an understatement.

Tresa's faces flushed with red as her thoughts went back to the day she had been voice-shamed by the tall, pale man standing before her. She batted her eyes a few times before she cleared her throat to bring the two back from their thoughts.

"What are you doing here?" Was the first thing that slipped out of her mouth, and she instantly regretted it.

The male quirked one brow up and gave her a judgemental face with a hint of amusement, "Uh, am I not allowed to walk around the neighbourhood or something?"

Tresa pursed her lips in embarrassment and hummed, "I mean, do you just hold out umbrellas to random people?" She muttered under her breath, avoiding his gaze.

"So I'm not allowed to be a helpful person either?" He said, this time with annoyance in his tone.

Tresa's brows shot up at him and she scoffed, "Says the one who shamelessly eavesdrops on others."

"What the fuck?" The man's features tightened and brows knitted in slight anger, "You were the one who was shameless singing your ass off in your balcony for the whole neighbourhood to hear it! I should be grateful that my ears are still in great working conditions after that evening!"

You rolled your eyes, "Whatever, bitch. Keep barking." As much as Tresa didn't want to lose her cool, she couldn't help it because the very sight of him made her blood boil.

While she was about to leave, she was suddenly pulled backwards when slim fingers encircled her wrist firmly from behind. She turned around and looked at the man's face, who was void of any emotions other than... anger.

"What did you say?" He asked through his teeth.

The way he looked at her with dark eyes was intimidating, but she wasn't scared.

"Uh, bitch? Take your hand off me. Or I might sue you." She gave him a sickly sweet smile. He clenched his jaw one last time before slowly letting go of Tresa's hand.

She smirked and turned around with pride surging through her body like electricity. She walked away in the rain while the blonde-haired man stood quietly holding the umbrella over his head.


"Argh, that moron!" Tresa quickly removes her wet socks from her feet.

"Who? Me?" Jungkook pointed at himself with his mouth hung agape, food unchewed on either sides of his cheeks making him look like a chipmunk.

Tresa facepalmed herself and nodded, "Yes, you."

"But what did I do this time?" Jungkook asked, still clueless.

"Shouldn't you know it?" Tresa said, not really paying attention to the sweat that started to formed on Jungkook's forehead.

"Uhh... is it because I..." He gulped, preparing to face the wrath, "... drank your banana milk?" The last part was merely a whisper.

There was a moment of silent as Tresa froze in her place, her back facing Jungkook. He tried to look for any signs of movement and there it was. Her head turned back slowly, threatened his existence. Her eyes so dark even Annabelle would wet her diapers.

"You what?" She asked in an extremely low voice. And now it was time for baby Kook to pee his pants.


"Please pick me up. Do not forget!" She reminded him once again.

"Okay, okay. I'm not a freaking goldfish to forget it so easily."

"Yeah, true. You're worse than a goldfish!" She sneered at him, "I'll get going now."

"Yes. Good luck on getting knocked out. I'll be cheering for you."

"Ew, go to hell, Jungkook!" She closed the door as she stepped out.

"Yeah, love you too!"

She chuckled when she heard his muffled voice from the inside.

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