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Taehyung was slightly annoyed at Jungkook for shattering his dreams of going on a date with Tresa

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Taehyung was slightly annoyed at Jungkook for shattering his dreams of going on a date with Tresa.

Ahh, that stupid kid!

He rubbed his forehead and headed to his room to get dressed up for his thanks-to-Jungkook-my-date-is-ruined date.

As he was about to comb his hair, his hands stopped mid-air when his cellphone started to vibrate on his dressing table.

His eyes lit up when he saw Tresa's name on the display. He quickly answered, "Hey, Tresa! What's up?"

"Uhh, I'm sorry, Tae." His heart danced when she called him with his nickname, but soon sulked because of the apology she had just told him.

"Why...? Is everything okay?"

"Uh, well, Jungkook bailed on us."

"Yes - I mean, why?" Thorough happiness was bubbling up inside Taehyung.

"He said he didn't wanna be third wheeling."

Taehyung pursed his lips to control his laughter, "Oh, it's okay."

"Anyway, I'll see you in a while. Bye." She sang.

"Bye-bye." Taehyung cut the call with a smile and soon started dancing with happiness, throwing his hands up in the air.


"The movie was so good, wasn't it?" Tresa exclaimed.

"Yes! It was! I'm glad you loved it!" Taehyung chuckled, leaning back on his car.

"Thank you for tonight. I had a nice time after so long. I haven't been able to do much ever since University ended."

"It's okay. The pleasure is mine." He smiled, "Off you go now, or you'll get sick."

Tresa giggled, "I'll see you, goodnight, Tae."

"Goodnight, Tres." Taehyung grinned widely, cheeks turning red.

Tresa smiled one last time before she turned around to enter her apartment building.

She waited for the elevator to reach the ground floor. Her head lifted up from her phone when the elevator dinged. Her brows jumped when she saw Yoongi typing away something in his phone.

"Hey, Yoongi." She said as she walked into the elevator, which startled Yoongi in his spot.

His eyes softened when he realised who had just spoken to him, "Hey. What are you doing here so late?"

"I could ask you the same." She scoffed with humour when Yoongi started to rub the nape of his neck nervously.

"Just... stuff." He shrugged.

"Yeah, same." She smirked.

As the lift was going down to the car park floor, it shook before abruptly stopping midway. Tresa and Yoongi held onto the arm support in the elevator, eyes wide open.

"Fuck!" Yoongi swore under his breath, but the pin drop silence make it clear enough to be heard.

"Oh, my God... what just happened." Tresa asked, unable to register what had happened.

Yoongi pressed the emergency button that was in the elevator, but it was in vain. He pulled out his phone and dialled the only two people he trusted. And even that was in vain. No one picked up.

"Let me try calling Jungkook." She tapped on his contact and the ringing tone started to play. After the last ring, the call went into voicemail, "He's not picking up. That jerk must be asleep already"

Tresa sank to the floor with overwhelming feelings. She couldn't be stuck in this elevator till the morning! After a few moments, Yoongi too sat down across her.

There was an eerie silence while the two had their head down, grieving.

"I guess this is our bedroom till morning comes." Yoongi broke the silence. Tresa's head shot up, face pale, and lips sending a weak smile.

Shorter chapter than usual, but I hope you guys liked it!

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