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"Hey, dawg! Open the fucking door!"

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"Hey, dawg! Open the fucking door!"

Loud bangs on the door could be heard. So hard that it pulled Yoongi off from his hibernation. He squinted his eyes to adjust to the lights in his living room. And as he did so, he tried to remember what the hell had happened and why there were loud noises coming from outside. He slurped up the little drool falling from the corner of his lips and stood up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.

He groaned in frustration because of the noise that could potentially give him a serious migraine.

He dragged his legs to the door and just when his hand almost reach the cold metal of the knob, he froze where he stood, eyes growing big at the voice that he heard, "JEON JUNGKOOK! Open the fucking the door before I break myself in and choke-slam the fuck outta you!"

What the fuck!

He stood and listened to the chain of profanities that left his neighbor's mouth. A part of him wanted to chuckle while the other wanted to open the door right into her face. And it was mostly the latter because she was now the reason to have awakened The Mighty Min Yoongi from his unwavering slumber, but technically it was impossible to be able to open the door outwards.

He thought twice before he opened the door to be greeted with -


Yoongi stood wide-eyed holding his cheek with his cold hands. Even though it wasn't a hard slap - since it was coming from a drunk person - he was beyond shocked.

"Bitch, what took you so long to open the door." Her tired eyes met the ones of the man that stood before her. He could notice the slight slur that laced her words as they left her little lips.

"What the fu-"

"Dude?" Her eyes widened, "What happened to your face, man?" She gasped like a kid who's ice cream scoop had just off from the cone. She moved her face closer to his, examining every feature with her hands. She widened his eyes with her fingers, pulled his lower lip downwards, then touched his soft blonde hair and gasped again thinking that Jungkook had dyed his hair while she was gone. And finally chuckled like a little kid when she pulled his nose tip upwards, "You look like a pig, Kookie! Oink, oink." She laughed, "But a very cute one at that." She then cooed, pressing the button of his nose twice before giggling again.

While she did all this to him, Yoongi stood like a stationary piece of experimental specimen, not knowing what to do. He wanted to be angry at her, yell at her, kick her out of his house for slapping him for no reason. But the amusement of seeing her like this beat it all down.

He was speechless, and he honestly had no idea about what he should do about this drunk, overgrown baby who stood before him.

He stood still while she walked past him and sprawled across his couch. He turned around to only sigh heavily, and shook his head in disbelief when he saw the sight of her already passed out, mouth hanging agape.

He walked to the flat next to his, where he knew she lived.

He started to grow out of patience as he knocked on the door furiously and got no response. After a couple of minutes of waiting, his shoulders sunk in defeat and he dragged his feet back into his apartment. He closed the door behind and sighed again thinking that he had to deal with this crappy situation that he was stuck in.

I guess she'll be staying the night here...

At that thought, he walked to his cozy bedroom and fell face-first on his bed. In a matter of seconds, his eye lids got heavy and he drifted into his dreams.

Hey, guys!!! Hope you liked this chapter.
I know there hasn't been much going on in the chapters so far but I'm only trying to develop the characters and the plot before the main point comes in. Please be patient and I promise they'll be better chapters coming up soon!
And don't forget to vote and comment, lemme know your thoughts on this book so far!!
Until next time!❤️

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