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"You really didn't have to come, you know?" Yoongi said as he unlocked the door to his flat

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"You really didn't have to come, you know?" Yoongi said as he unlocked the door to his flat.

"I know. I want to help though." Tresa smiled, setting her coat aside and pulling her sleeves up.

Since the layout of his house was similar to hers, she could easily navigate her way to the kitchen.

"Are you following a specific recipe?" She asks, placing the sugar on the kitchen counter.

"Not really. Just a little guessing game, I think." Yoongi scratched his ear thinking what he said was stupid.

"Well, do you know how make brownies?" Tresa's brow raised.

The silence was more than enough to answer her question. Tresa shook her head with amusement and gestured Yoongi to join her.

"It's good that I'm here, then. First, dry ingredients. You need flour, sugar and cocoa powder. You could add a pinch of salt if you want to enhance the depth of the flavours." Yoongi nodded, pulling out the said ingredients from his kitchen cupboards and passing them to Tresa.

She added the required quantity into a mixing bowl and passed it to Yoongi, "Now, mix them together."

Yoongi took a large whisk and started mixing the ingredients slowly. Once he was done, he looked up at Tresa who had a proud smile on her face.

"And now comes the wet ingredients. Egg, butter, vanilla essence and a dash of milk."

Tresa instructed him about the amount he needed to add and Yoongi followed like an obedient student.

"Whisk again."


"Great! Now the mixture is done!" Tresa clapped like an over-excited kid, "Lemme taste it!"

She poked in her little finger, drenching it in the chocolate-y mixture and then brought it to her lips. The pleasant smile was more than enough to make sure than it was done right.

"You sure you're not gonna get salmonella?" Yoongi took a step closer to her and leaned down to her height. His thumb involuntarily swiped across her bottom lip, cleaning the mess around her lips.

It was too late before he realised what he had just done. He eyes met with Tresa's wide-opened ones as her lips parted slightly in shock.

No one moved. Yoongi's hand remained on her cheek as they stared at each other with shock.

"We should probably bake the brownies now." Tresa whispered ever so slightly, but it was enough to break Yoongi out of the spell.

"Ah! Yeah? Yeah!" He pulled his hand back and chuckled awkwardly.


"I hope it's not burnt." Yoongi opened the oven, immediately coughing up at the smoke that escaped. He carefully pulled out the tray and placed it on the counter, "Looks fine from the top."

He flipped it into a large plate and cut it into equal sizes.

"Smells good!" Tresa's face glowed with happiness.

For a finishing touch, she dusted powdered sugar on top before taking out a piece and biting into it, "AND tastes good!" She moaned, directing the rest of her piece to Yoongi's lips.

His judging frown soon turned into an expression similar to Tresa's. He nodded with a huge smile, "It's so good. My cravings have been satisfied!"

He hifi-ed Tresa, "Oh, man! Thank god, you helped me or else I probably would've burnt down the whole house!"

"It's not a problem, really!" Tresa smiled, "I'll be taking a leave now."

"Oh, wait!" Tresa turned her torso to face Yoongi, "Can I take you out tomorrow? A treat for helping me when you didn't have to."

He nervously rubbed the nape of his neck but soon the nervousness was washed away with Tresa's nod, "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yup! See ya."

Yoongi was unfamiliar to the feeling bubbling throughout his body, but that didn't mean that he didn't like it.

He let out his breath and leaned onto his counter for support when Tresa disappeared out of his sight. It was unbelievable about how that girl had such an effect on him. It had only been about 2-3 months since that day rainy day when he insulted her in the balcony, but fast-forward to now, they had become pretty good friends.

Even though Yoongi didn't want to think much of it, to him, it felt like a beginning of something new.

Something beautiful.

Wow, I can't believe I wrote a whole-ass chapter on how to make brownies.

And now I'm craving for brownies. So brb while I make them! xD

Oh, btw, do you guys add salt to your brownies? Cuz I do and I love it. You should try it if u haven't before.

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