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Utter silence

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Utter silence.

That's how it was in the now non-functional elevator that had trapped Yoongi and Tresa inside. Although Yoongi did a great job at concealing his nervousness, Tresa wasn't doing so great. Her feet were tapping the metallic floor and fingers fidgeting with each other. She was restless and Yoongi didn't know how to calm her down.

"We'll be fine." Was all he could say. He was never great with consoling people.

Tresa gave a smile that almost turned out to look like a frown. A thin blanket of sweat covered her face from fear and also because of how hot it was growing inside even though it was one of the coldest months of the year.

"I'm... I'm scared. What if... we run out of oxygen?" She mumbled, but it echoed however among the four metal walls.

Yoongi let out a chuckle at her comment, "This is not a sci-fi. And we're not in outer space. The oxygen will be just fine. Don't worry. We could try calling our friends once it is morning, or who knows, someone might already report it to the repair department if we're lucky." He smiled, touching Tresa's knee reassuringly.


Tresa's head continued falling to and fro as she swung in her sleep. Yoongi was amused to see the sight before him. After a while of thinking, he crawled to her side and gently placed her head on his shoulder.

It warmed his heart to see the peaceful sight of Tresa sleeping while she breathed in relaxation. Just when he was drowning into the hypnotising rhythmic sounds of her breathing, his phone buzzed in his back pocket. He quickly pulled his phone out, careful not to wake the girl up. A wave of hope washed his chest when he saw a message notification on his screen. He quickly tapped on it to check it out.

Hey, bro! Why'd you call so late? ://///

Oh, thank god! I need your help, Hobi. I'm stuck in the elevator in my apartment.



Yoongi set his phone aside and rested his head back on the wall. He sighed in relief now that he was finally getting help. He smiled a little when he remembered how Hoseok's stage name suited him so well.

He really is our hope.

Waiting for the younger man seemed like forever. His shoulders sunk in defeat, and before he knew it, his eyes got drowsy, eventually he too drifted to sleep.


Loud creaking noises started ringing in the ears of the two adults that were trapped. Tresa immediately noticed how she was asleep on the man's shoulder and how his head was resting on hers. She quickly distanced herself before Yoongi could open his eyes and notice her. Yoongi woke up groaning with frustration by the creaking noise and loud bangs, rubbing his sleep off his eyes. He stretched like a cat did after its long nap, but stopped midway when his gaze fell upon the girl who was a feet away from him. He immediately put his hands down like nothing had ever happened.

Tresa pursed to stop the smile that was making its way to her lips, amused by his sudden flustered self.

Soon their minds thought about the loud noises being heard.

"You think the repair guys are here?" Tresa asked.

"Probably. My friend contacted me while you were asleep. He might have brought them here."

Just as Tresa was about to take a breath of relief, the elevator started to shake violently. She let out a loud gasp and crawled into the closest thing she could hold... Yoongi.

Yoongi held her back tightly, not knowing what the hell was happening. He looked around to see dust falling down from the exhaust fan that was situated on the ceiling of the lift. Both coughed as the dust made it hard to breath.

"We're gonna die, Yoongi." She squealed, eyes shut tightly as she dug her head even further into his chest.

Yoongi patted her head, "Shh... it's gonna be okay."

Other wave of violent tremors hit the elevator, this time it was worse than the first one. The couple could feel the elevator hit the concrete walls that surrounded it, causing extremely loud sounds. A crack appeared on the mirror that was on one side of the elevator.

The elevator swung as if it was hanging by a thread. Yoongi and Tresa held onto each other, scared for their lives.

The elevator slowly started moving down...

The silence before the storm

The rope that held the elevator in place slowly started slipping and soon both Yoongi and Tresa started screaming their lungs out, holding each other like their life depended on it. And just when things couldn't get any worse, the mirror behind Tresa shattered, and Yoongi's reflex immediately when to work by shielding her from the pieces that were falling behind her. Tresa's head shot up when Yoongi winced in pain. Soon tears started brimming in her eyes looking at how multiple shards pierced through the flawless skin of his hand, "Oh, my God! Yoongi!" She held his hand delicately.

Tears started to roll down her eyes when she couldn't bear to see how he tightly held his hand and groaned in pain.


The elevator door opened, revealing a group of people who looked with anticipation. And just then, Yoongi head fell on Tresa's shoulder.

"Someone call the ambulance! Please!"

He he he😈😈😈

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