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COPYRIGHT © 2019 Rockville_32

All Rights Reserved. All of my stories, including chapters, prologues, epilogue and any relations associated with ANY of my storyline/plots/content is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Acts 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of these works.Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of these works constitutes as an infringement of copyright and is punishable by law.

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🗡Devin's POV🗡

Everything after that was hectic. It took a while for most of the witches to actually realise that I wasn't a threat. Everyone was rushing back and forth carrying herbs to gems inside the coven. I even helped in sniffing some of the stuff they need. The coven kids seemed to take the most interest in my wolf, Wes.

"So since you've been the only person to have recently been inside of the pack. You should know the changes. Care to tell us what have been happening?" Anna was sitting at the head of the High Court table. Mary-Ann and her are the direct descendent of the founder Lillian Popnov.

🙃Alongside her were Quint who represented the merfolk descendant of Heidi Florence, Cassidy for the Demons descendant of Jacob Keith, George for the Phoenix descendant of Jasmine Carter, Hilda for the Angels descendant of Owen Saint, Castelo for the Titans descendant of Vincent , Penelope for the Elementals descendant of Rain Churchill and Xavier for the vampires who is actually another descendant from Poppy Smith. 🙃

Two spots were empty and a single white flower was placed by the werewolf position. The other one was for the dragons but until they come out of hiding it'll remain empty.

"So every day there was a role call. During each role call the Alpha would inspect every pack member while the warrior were sent to inspect the houses. If anyone was anything from healthy or perfect he would throw them in the cells." I remembered a small girl's frighten face when she was thrown into her cell.

"What was the idea of 'perfect'?" Castelo eyebrows were now scrunched together.

"No disabilities. No illness. Perfect weight for the females and perfect build for the males. If the females were to plump he would give to two options. Starve in the cells or be forced into an overly tight corset. For the males if he wasn't in perfect build the Alpha saw it as slacking off. He would turn them rogue then hunt them down to be killed." Hilda gasped and her eyes filled with pity.

"Did this occur before or after your mother's death? If you don't mind answering." Penelope looked down with a sad expression.


"Where were you during all of this? Shouldn't the beta prevented this?" Xavier spoke. Even though he's a vampire I've learned that's he's actually really cool.

"I was inside of the cells with my father."

"Ok I think that's enough. In two weeks time we will attack the pack. Two weeks should be enough time for Lincoln and Alex to be recognised as the next Monarchs. Once again, I'm sorry for your mother's death. She was a close relative of mine and to see how she died a gruesome death.... She was a descendant of Francis and Clementine Tennent and so are you. Court is dismissed." Anna stood up and everyone else followed. I went outside and was pulled into a hug by Lincoln, Mary and Alex.

"How did it go?" Mary inspected my face.

"It was good actual-"

"Devin!" Everyone turned to see George running towards me. He hand a box in his hands.

"Hey George,what's up?" I asked him and he smirked.

"The sky but I'm here because Anna wanted me to give this to you." He handed me the box and I opened it. It revealed a Bennett. The lid had a writing on it.

"To the hearts of the true and the eyes of the all-seeing. From: Francis Tennent; To: Clementine Tennent. 1781"
I looked at George to figure out what was going on.

"Every monarch leaves a relic behind for their descendants. You mother had that some Bennett. She loved it as much as she loved you. I even remembered when Anna and I would catch her even talking to it. There's a soul in this Bennet and your mom would've wanted you to have it."

Tears rolled down my eyes. This was a family relic an my mom wanted me to have it. Lincoln patted me on the shoulder and I picked up the Bennett and my hand burned. I looked and saw the same inscription that was on the box tattooed on my wrist.


"WOAH!" The gun began to glow.

"Go on take a shot and hit that door." George stepped aside and pointed to which door.

"But there's no bullets." He gave me the 'just do it ' look. I aimed and pressed on the trigger. A a bright light destroyed the door.

"When Francis was about to fight in the vampire and werewolf war, he worried that something bad would've happened to Clementine and their unborn child. He went to on of the Phoenix colonies and asked if a weapon made out of a Phoenix feathers be made. They made it and Clementine loved it that she made her own modifications to it"

"She extracted the bullets and created a spell that could make sure that you would never need to reload it. She even took away the sound making it extremely deadly. She took a fraction of her soul in fact and made it so only a Tennent descendant could use it and even touch it. That's why the box. The voice is her voice." George explained.

"So she linked herself to the gun. Meaning that she can communicate from the Royalty realm as well." Alex put in. She did say how someone mention a gun.

"Yep precisely that my Queen."

"So we have two weeks. Great."


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