Have At Thee

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Someone once said to me. Aaliyah why do you write the word though a lot. I said it's because it's my favorite word. Which is true. So at the end of the story we're going to see how much times do I say though in a chapter. These count by the way.


COPYRIGHT © 2019 Rockville_32

All Rights Reserved. All of my stories, including chapters, prologues, epilogue and any relations associated with ANY of my storyline/plots/content is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Acts 1988. All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of these works.Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of these works constitutes as an infringement of copyright and is punishable by law.

You have been warned!!!



"Lincoln, I think my armor's riding up." Devin was behind me and I was about to turn and say me too but it wasn't the time for it. We were now inside the cells and the cries of war could be heard from these old mold painted walls.

"We have to get your dad. Not complain about how our balls can't breathe. Focus." He nodded his head and we continued on trying to find the cell but it seems as though Devin's dad was moved.

"What if they've already moved him. That would mean the Alpha has something in mind?....In his sick twisted way." Devin added. If he was part of a plan.

"The pack house."

"That's probably raided by now."

"No there's a bunker below the pack house. One that only the Alpha bloodline can sense." We began running out the cells. We were greeted with the smell of burnt flesh and the sight of the deceased scattered along the dirt. I could smell Alex and I turned to see her fighting Lin. I watched as Alex's back slammed against the tree bark.

"Come on Lincoln!" Devin whispered yelled towards me and I remembered that Alex is capable of defeating Lin. We continued towards the pack house, inside running to the Alpha's office. I walked behind the large office desk and pressed a hidden button underneath. The bookcase shifted and a silver wall was now on display. Devin stepped forward to touch it but I held his hand before he could.

"It's silver and coated with wolfsbane. You don't want to touch that trust me." He slowly retreated his hand as I walked towards the keypad. 4 digits. Think Lincoln. Remember.....


The door clicked and opened. I just picked the most obvious code. Lin and I birth year. We walked within the dark, cavernous room until we couldn't anymore.

"There's a note." Devin crouched down and handed it to me. My name written in cursive on the front in golden ink.


You have always been the one to hide in the shadows, away from others and away from your problem like a coward. From the moment you were born, I always found you an oddity, an odd one out unlike your sister who immediately stole the hearts of others. When I called out your name as you were a few months you'd never answer or show that you could hear as well as a normal pup should. I've missed treated you to make you stronger but it seems as though that message flew over your head.

Now here we are. I wonder if I would've treated you well would you still be what your destined to be. If you were destined to fall at my hands. If you wish for Devin's father back, meet me at Moonlight cliff.

Your Alpha and father,

"There at Moonlight cliff." I handed Devin the letter and as though as if he'd read my mind, he tore the letter into pieces. I don't care what that man's intentions were or if his heart was in the "right place" but no one should've gone through what I've gone through regardless. We left and went outside. The battle was over as I watched the dead laid out in rows and the living rounded up. We've won but I took no time to pause and say congratulations. Devin and I shifted into our wolves and sprinted all the way to Moonlight cliff.

There stood him and my father figure. We shifted back and our suits remained. I glared the monstrosity in his eyes while he just smirked, holding Neil's half unconscious body upright as though he were a rag doll.

"Hello Lincoln. Devin. It took you long enough. I thought you were smarter than that. Got bored so I decided to toss my Beta around." He laughed and shook Neil. Devin charged forward, claws extended. Harry just stepped closer towards the end and hung Neil's body in the air.

"Uh uh.. I wouldn't do that...If I were you."

"Just let him go! You've lost. Come with us peacefully and well let you off with a painless death." I sneered. He looked between Devin and I and without warning threw Neil's body in front of us.

As Devin rushed to aid his father, mine went and ran toward him claws of his own extended but coated with wolfsbane.

"Lights out Beta."


"Devin grab Neil and get out of here." I stood between Devin and Harry as I could felt the wolfsbane entering my veins. Blood filled my mouth slowly as his claws dug further in my abdomen. Devin wasted no time and shifted taking his father with him.

The claws retracted and I stepped back.

"Your weak."

"No. I'm not weak. I'm strong and you trying to ambush my Beta shows how scared you are. How weak you are. Ironic isn't it." I laughed.

"Such a shame those are your last words. I'll be ridding the world of its flaw today." He sneered.

"Enough talking...Have at thee."


I've only counted 5 thoughs and including this one. Don't forget to vote, share and follow it would mean a lot to me. Only two more chapters to go so let's make it memorable.

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