Chapter 13- Everything

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"Please Jade, I don't feel like arguing. I have a pounding headache and I'm runnin offa no sleep." I pleaded.

"You told me you were never gonna let them take you away from me again; and here you are telling me this?!" She argued. "I cannot believe you!"

I let out a sigh. "Let's focus on Dawn gettin better first, then we'll worry about that."

"Regardless of she gets better or not, their still gonna wanna know where the fuck that gun came from! Why the fuck would you still even own a gun? It's like you were asking to go back!"

"Yo, you're not helping at all! I already got enough shit on my plate as is and you're just stressing me out even more. I don't need that shit right now, I don't need ju yellin at me as if I'm not already stressed out enough."

"This is stressful for me too! Goddamit Danny, why the fuck can't you just stay out of fuckin' trouble? You don't just make shit hard for yourself when you fuck up, you make shit hard for everyone else around you! Why the fuck would you ever even consider shooting someone right now?!"

"He was fuckin testing me!" I shouted back at her. "Maybe I let my anger get the best of me, and wasn't thinking straight but am I supposed to just sit there and be disrespected like that?!"

"People disrespect you every single day, this one does it to your face and you can't handle it? Man the fuck up and grow up! Ignore these stupid ass niggas, it's not worth the rest of your life!"

My phone rang, I didn't recognize the number. I usually don't answer numbers I don't recognize but I answered anyway. I do remember giving the hospital my number to keep me updated.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, is this Daniel Hernandez?"


"Good afternoon, this is nurse Sophia from Kings County Hospital calling to update you on Dawn Davi-"

"How is she?" I interrupted her, wanting her to get straight to the point.

"Well, after various blood transfusions, she's out of shock and fully conscious..she's scheduled to go into surgery in an hour to remove the bullet. You can see her, but only after the surgery. She most likely won't be released until a few days. We wanna keep a close eye on the wound and her hemoglobin levels to make sure they don't drop again."

"That's fuckin amazin'" I breathed out of relief. "Yo, I'm on my way right now." I said and hung up.

It felt like a huge weight was lifted off my back. I let out a huge sigh of relief, and a huge smile grew on my face. I was so fuckin happy she was okay.

Now I only had one issue, but I'll deal with that shit later. I just wanted to see Dawn.

I didn't say a word to Jade cause she was just pissing me off at this point. I just grabbed my car keys and left out.

Dawn's Point Of View

"Dawn?" I felt a light tap. "I know you just woke up from surgery but you have another visitor." The nurse told me, I had just seen my mom and dad before surgery and I really didn't feel like seeing anyone else. I was beyond tired.

I woke up, hearing the machines beeping. Christ. I just wanted to go home already, and my shoulder is fucking killing me. I feel so limp and weak too.

I groaned, and rolled my eyes. "Who?"

"Daniel Hernandez." She said. "Do you know him?"

"Yeah..yeah I know him." I said, and tried to sit up. Then felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.

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