Chapter 15- Prosecutor

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*Two Weeks Later*

"All rise." The bailiff spoke, and we all stood as we watched the judge walk in, and take a seat.

"You may be seated."

"Your honor, due to the celebrity status of Mr. Hernandez. My client and I are asking for this court session to be completely private and not released to the press." Brad started.

"Granted." The judge nodded her head.

"Your Honor, I am the attorney for the State of New York. This case is the State versus the defendant, Dawn Davis. The defendant is charged with possession of illegal firearms." The prosecutor explained.

"Ms. Dawn Davis, defendant, to the charge of illegally possessing firearms, how do you plead? Guilty or not guilty?"

"Your honor, my name is Bradly Peterson. I represent the defendant, Dawn Davis. Ms. Davis pleads guilty for the charge of illegal possession of firearms."

I turned around and looked over at Danny, who was sitting in the front seat. His face was plastered with fear and worry. I looked at him and nodded with a slight smile, trying to relax him somehow. Even though I was a bit worried myself.

"Let the records show that Dawn Davis has plead guilty to the charge of illegal possession of firearms." The judge said. "Is there anything you would like to state for the record Ms. Davis?"

"Your honor, I would like to ask for leniency in sentencing Ms. Davis for a few reasons that I would like to present."

"Does the prosecutor have any objections?" The judge asked.

"The State has no objections, your Honor." The prosecutor said.

"You may proceed." The judge gave Brad permission.

"Ms. Davis, has overall been a good, well behaved, unproblematic citizen. Her clean record proves this. Ms. Davis is a single woman, who lives alone. If say someone should break and enter into her property, she would be defenseless. The reason Ms. Davis owned a gun was simply for the protection of herself, and her property. Nothing more. The only reason someone got hurt with this fire arm, is because there was a scuffle over it, between Mr. Daniel Hernandez and Ms. Davis. However, the only person who got hurt was herself, there was no threat to society in this situation." Brad explained to the Judge. "For these reasons, I feel that the court should be lenient."

"Ms. Davis, would you please explain to the court what happened the day you got shot. Why was there a fight over a gun?" The prosecutor asked.

"Objection. Relevance?" Brad interrupted.

"Your honor, due to Mr. Hernandez's reputation and history with gun violence and violence in general, the court should have a clear understanding as to why he would even be involved in an altercation over an illegal pistol. Wouldn't you agree, your honor?"

"I'll allow it. You can answer, Ms. Davis." The judge ordered.

I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. I remembered what Brad and I practiced. I had to just make this sound believable.

"Daniel was trying to stop me from hurting myself." I began. "I wanted to end my life, and he stopped me from doing that. Unfortunately while he was trying to take the gun away from me, it went off."

"Do you suffer from depression, Ms. Davis?" The judge asked.

"Yes." I lied.

"Ms. Davis, where did you get this gun from?" The prosecutor asked.

"From the black market." I answered.

"Why didn't you just get it the legal way?" He asked. "I mean that's what anybody who has innocent intentions with a gun would do."

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