Guys...stay back

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Keith had just gone in up and went to the bathroom lance walked up behide him and wrapped his arms around Keith's waist

Lance: Hmm hey kitten how you doing

Keith: i'm doing fine lance can we get something to eat we haven't left our room in a while

Lance: sure Keith we can go eat but we have to tell people we're together you know that right

Keith: *blushes softly* y-ya i know that please can we go eat i'm starving

Lance: your not staving but of course kitten

Lance held Keith hand and walked out to the kitchen Keith was blushing mess everyone said hi except Allura she still talking or even looking at Keith since his ears and tail appeared Keith sat down he hadn't been eating the past couple days and no one had noticed yet which Keith liked he sat next to lance

Shiro: Ah that's good you two are alive

Hunk:Good morning want some goo

Lance:okay love you kitten

Keith:love you too Lancey

They all ate after they got done eating came training the only part besides being with lance he liked Allura always puts Keith training bots  a level higher than everyone else

Shiro: everyone cover you teammates back we need to work as a team

A couple minutes after Shiro said this Keith passed out

Lance:guys stop Keith passed out babe babe come on wake up *He sat his head on his knees* baby wake up

Allura: come on guys get to training Lance Keith get back to training

Lance: Allura shut up Keith passed out and I'm trying to wake him up I dont give shit about training

Shiro: Lance is Keith okay*he said walking over*

Lance: I don't know I'm taking him to our room and giving him something that will help just in case *he picked him Keith bridled style and walked into there room*

Shiro: Pidge What were the training levels at something off

Pidge: Shiro that's the weird thing me hunk yours and lance were at 2 and Keith's was at 4 see it's been like that for a couple days according to the robots

Shiro: Allura get your ass over here now! *shiro only cussed when he got really mad*

Pidge :I know Keith is like your baby brother but you have to calm down

*Allura walks over to Shiro*

Shiro: What the hell allura why was Keith two levels above everyone else why can't you just be nice to him god damn I know he's a garla but he's still the red lion paladin your being a asshole *he walks into the control room*

Lance sat down on there bed then put Keith on his lap and starts talking knowing no can hear

Lance: what the hell kitten what did you do to yourself why didn't you tell me you we're about to pass out i love you but why are you so stubborn *A couple hours later Keith woke up* Keith are you okay what wrong why did you pass out please tell me

Keith: hmmm*he rubbed his eyes*yes lance i'm fine nothing wrong and i didn't think i would pass out please don't be mad but i didn't eat at all yesterday

Lance: Aww baby i'm not mad but lets go get you some food in you also your brother was worried and he'll yell but I'll be there okay let's just go get you food okay

Keith:oh okay lets go

Keith and Lance walked into the kitchen and Lance sat down and after Keith got some goo he sat on Lance's lap and starts eating

Lance:do you have to sit on my lap while you eat

Keith:yes yes i do


Everyone got suited up and got in there lions and flew over Keith was the first one to run out and stop a few feet in front of her everyone stood father back from Keith

Witch: Ahh red paladin i knew you would be the first one to show up

Keith was thinking: that kid looks like me when i was little i will get him back to his mother no matter the cost i wish someone did that for me i'm doing this for my younger self

Witch:i know you red paladin you stopped in your takes when your saw this kid so you must care for this kid even though you don't know this so i will make you a deal you for the kid simple so do we have a deal

Lance and Shiro: No Keith we can figure out a different way

Keith:* i can hear them screaming but the whole words that come out of mouth were* I'LL DO IT JUST LET ME GET THE KID TO HIS MOTHER THAN YOU CAN DO WHATEVER JUST LET ME GET HIM BACK

Witch:deal take your mutt *she let the kid go*

The kid ran up and hugged Keith thanked him then ran to his mother they were hugging each other so tight that they were too scared to let go after Keith walked to the witch and stood in front of her

Witch: come with me unless you want that kid and his mother to die because of you *she starts walking and Keith walked behide her* good red paladin

Keith: Guys... stay back i have to do this 
*she led them be hide a rock where no one can see and.....

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now