GAH! What did you do to me

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Witch: so red paladin i will put a spell on you in return for sparing this planet and many other planet lives do you accept the deal red paladin

Keith:i accept the deal please spare them they did nothing wrong they were just trying to live

The witch puts a spell on him not telling him what the spell was after Keith starts screaming in pain

Keith: AHHHHH!!!!! What did you do to me witch ahhh

Witch: its a test to see if you can adjust to a new body and if you cane keep up with it*she disappears in a cloud of smoke*

Keith: what the hell do you mean new body and being able to keep up the hell do you mean AHH!! the hell wrongs with me *he gets up and limbs over to the group falling down in front of lance* baby please help AHHHH!!!

Lance: oh my god Keith what's wrong what did she do

Keith words became unable to hear and it just turned into to cries and screams Lance picked him up and walked back to his lion and flew back Keith's lion red flew back with lance the other followed them when they landed lance got of lion and walked into the healing pods room with Allura in it

Lance: Allura i know you hate him but can you help him

Allura:i never hated Keith and yes get him in a healing pod and that can work as best as it can

Lance nodded and put Keith in a healing pod and sat next to it

Allura: do you know what happen to him

Lance: no i dont i wish i knew so i can help

She walked out and lance sat in front of the pod waiting for Keith days....went by hunk brought him food and sat with him till he was done eating so he knew he ate and drank until a couple weeks later

Lance:hey baby i miss you nothing has happen i know because hunk has told me i just miss you so much *keith hugged him*

Keith: i missed you too baby 

Lance looked up and starts crying and hugged him back and held him tight like the kid did to his mother Keith did the same

Lance: baby when did you why didn't

Keith: just a couple seconds ago and i wanted a hug so badly and missed you how long was i out

Lance: y-you were out for a couple weeks Keith what happen to you what did she do to you

Keith: i-i don't know what she did but i probably will find out soon*he tries to get up and falls on his ass* ahh guess i can't stand yet

Lance: baby you just came out of the healing pod from being in there for two weeks i'll help you walk and stand for a while okay lets go get you something to eat *he stands up and helps Keith up*

Keith:thanks baby i know i can be a crazy i know that

Lance smiled and help Keith walk only for 3-4 days so they were lying in bed and they starts talking

Keith: hey lance can i ask you something weird about what happen

Lance:sure baby what is it

Keith:when she said enjoy your new body what if i change like what if i turn into a full garla Allura will kill me what did she mean when she said enjoy this new body

Lance: shh Keith your over thinking too much go to sleep it will be better in the morning

Keith: what if it not Lance what if its not okay

Lance:it will don't worry go to sleep you haven't sleep in a couple days it will be fine

Keith: okay i trusted you lance good night*he closed his eyes and fell asleep*
Lance: good night Keith *he kissed his head*

The next morning lance was awake and playing on his phone and Keith got up and went into the bathroom

Keith: hey lance can you come here

Lance: ya sure Keith*walk in the bathroom* whoa Keith what happen to you

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now