How tho i'm confused

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Lance: well ugh Keith's pregnant with my pup if that makes sense

Adam looked so confused: how tho i'm confused he's a boy i know he's a boy

Lance:yes but he's a girl not but not by his own free will i think

Adam:*got a little pissed off* what do you mean not by his not own free will you think

Lance: okay soooooooo me Keith Shiro Hunk Pidge all went a mission because a witch of Zarkon probably haggar i don't know we couldn't tell she meaning the witch had a kid and Keith was the first one there and was the closest to the witch their was a brunch of stuff said i really couldn't hear but i heard something that she'll let the planet and the kid go Keith without thinking probably said yes and then she let the boy go he ran and then ran and him and his mother hugged like they were going to lose each other if they let go buttttt then she took Keith behind a rock and did a spell we didn't realize what she did till a couple weeks ago the some stuff happen then few days ago we found out he was pregnant 10 weeks now

Adam: oh okay that makes sense and what he's 10 weeks how do you not notice that for 10 weeks LANCE

Lance:well it doesn't help well he stayed in his room for 7 or the 10

Adam: what are they okay now

Lance: yes they are now

Adam: that's a great thing Lance i'm so happy for you and Keith

Lance:thanks *Shiro walked in with no shirt on and only pants and boxers on and walked into the shower* i think that's my cue to leave bye Adam i'll see you later*Lance and Adam hugged and left*

Shiro:*he came out with only a towel around his waist* why was Lance here

Adam: because he wanted to know something from me Keith and your past

Shiro: what part

Adam: when we got Keith

Shiro: oh really

Adam: yes something very happy might happen

Shiro: baby? Keith and Lance?

Adam: maybe and yes

Shiro: oh really tell me more

Adam: promise you won't tell anyone else

Shiro: i wouldn't i promise

Adam: so Keith and Lance might be 10 weeks along if you know what i mean*he made motion that looked like a big baby bump*

Shiro: *looked shocked* oh really

Adam: and their *he crossed his fingers* together together

Shiro: oh really wow

Adam: ya Lance said that him and Keith were "talking about kids" and i almost knew at that point

Shiro: well don't tell anyone else

Adam: really i should be telling you that Shiro

Shiro: i won't i promise

Adam: good now come to bed it's late

Shiro:*got dressed and got in bed* better now

Adam: yes a lot better

Shiro: good

Shiro fell asleep and Adam played with Shiro hair whiles he sleeps

A couple months later Keith's is 28 weeks or 6 months along but he looks only 3 months along Keith just woke up because the baby kept kicking like crazy and kept him up

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now