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Lance:so what did you want to ask me i think GAH ALLURA!

Allura slapped Lance and Allura pushed him back


Allura: because you have had Keith worry so much about his baby

Lance:no its our baby its me and Keith baby

Allura: no its not did he not tell you

Lance: what do you mean who did he cheat on me with

Allura: well himself

Lance:wait what i'm confused how did he cheat on me with himself

Allura: well you see *she explained how Keith was the mother and father of the baby that Keith was carrying*

Lance: wow that was a lot of info quickly so is the baby okay no weird mutation or anything like that

Allura: no no nothing wrong with them the baby is a little small for 28 weeks thought

Lance: oh okay

Keith:*he walked in and walked in the med bay and was rubbing his tummy and walked up to Lance and Allura* Baby~ *he whined lightly*the pup keep kicking and wouldn't calm down can you help our pup likes you Lance

Lance:*he smirked and wrapped his arm around Keith's waist*yes baby let's go sit on the couches with everyone and i'll help our little pup calm down

Keith smiled and pulled Lance to the couches in the control room and the two sat down Keith was asleep on Lance while Lance was making small talk with Hunk and Lance was rubbing Keith stomach calming the growing pup inside

Hunk: so question Lance

Lance sure what is it

Hunk: when are you and Keith going to get together

Pidge: Hunk they already "got together" that's how that happened *she pointed at Keith's baby bump showing almost heavily though his shirt*

Hunk: well ya no dip Pidge i know that that's wasn't the that i was talking about

Lance: well Hunk which that are you talking about

Hunk: well you know get married tie the knot you already knocked him up

Lance: well i don't know we would have to get the okay from his parents and my parents before we get married

Hunk: oh ya i forgot your parents were old fashion like that

Lance: well its just my dad that's old fashion like that my mom only cares if i'm happy and i am so she would just be mad i didn't tell her sooner

A few weeks later the just defeated Zarkon and just gotten back to the castle everyone was hugging and cheering then Lance ran to red and Keith walked out

Keith: baby i'm fine i know you were worried but its over we won the war

Hours later Allura,Lance were in the living room Hunk,Pidge and Shiro were in the kitchen Keith was asleep in his room and Adam was asleep on the couch

Lance: hey Allura can i ask you something

Allura: sure Lance what is it

Lance: is it possible to go back to earth i miss my family and i want Keith to meet my family

Allura: funny thing about that me and Shiro were talking about it and we found a way to get back to earth but

Lance: but what Allura

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now