Really i never would of guessed that

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Keith: well the pups name is Cody Pap Kogane *he sat up smiling and put his hands on his stomach and gasped feeling the pup kicking happily* he seems to like it too

Lance: really i never would of guessed that for you

Keith: really what did you think it was going to be a big weird space name

Lance: kinda how did you come up with that name

Keith: well i don't know it just came to me in a dream i guess

Lance: really i never would of thought that with you

Keith: oh okay can we get something to sleep how long was i out

Lance: about 3-5 hours why do you ask

Keith: no reason just i'm hungry that's why can we go get something to eat

Lance: everyone is probably here and my mother have been cooking since we swapped places

Keith: okay good i want to get some food

Lance: okay lets go get some food and see who else is here

Keith: s-sure lets go get some food

Lance and Keith walked downstairs Keith walked in the kitchen and Lance walked the living room

Keith: hey mum what are you doing

Luna:*she smiled slightly* hey honey i'm just making tacos and rice oh and did you ever pick a name for the baby

Keith: oh ya his name is Cody Pap Kogane *he put his hands back on his stomach when he kicked hearing his name*

Luna: that's a nice name do you want to help with dinner tonight

Keith: sure if you don't mind

Luna: no if you want to you can stir the rice i only have to put them together if you don't mind me asking how old are you

Keith: oh okay *he starts stirring the rice in the pot* oh i'm 21 years old i'm a year older than Lance he's 20

Luna: i know sweetie he's 20 but i thought you were 19

Keith: ya i get that a lot but no i'm 21 shocking huh

Luna: a little bit ya but its okay as long your still my "son" then its fine

Keith: ya its okay my dads will laugh it off my dad Adam knows its a joke but my other dad Shiro might think your trying to steal me away from him

Luna: of course not i won't steal you away i have a lot of kids i don't need to steal another kid

Keith: oh okay is their a hospital near by that i can go to

Luna: ya my daughter in law Lisa is a midwife so she can check you out if your scared about something

Keith: that's great to know its just i missed my 30th week check up on my little Cody if its not too much could she check out hi to make sure he's fine

Luna: ya its no problem I'll introduce you to her you'll love her

Keith: that's great i'm done with the rice if you want me to put it on the plates

Luna: sure i'm done with the plates anyways

Keith put the rice and the plates and him and Luna put all the plates on the table and everyone came in and sat down

Lance: hi Mama wheres the hot sauce

Marco: hi Mama whats for dinner

Luis: hi Mama dude we having tacos with rice

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now