What! Why didn't you tell me sooner Keith!

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Keith: i found out i-i found out about 7 weeks ago when i was about three weeks along

Lance: What! Why didn't you tell me sooner Keith!

Keith: Because

Lance: because why

Keith: because

Lance: Because why Keith

Keith: Because i was scarred! LANCE! i was scarred!

Lance: why how when what 

Keith: remember when i went to pidge the first time

Lance: ya i remember

Keith: well after i talked to pidge i took her laptop by mistake because i thought it was mine and i keep reading the results of the blood test she gave me and it had all the basic stuff that all blood testes say but i kept reading then it said at the bottom pregnant 3 weeks and 9 days along and i freaked out and that's kinda when i started staying in my room

Lance: that's make a lot of sense why didn't tell me you were pregnant

Keith: like i just told you i was scared to Lance anytime i tried talking to you were either trying to get with Allura as a joke i know or we were off on a mission yes we were sleeping together in the same bed cuddling but anytime i tried talking to you you walked away or was on a mission  or eating or sleeping with me or some other alien

Lance:that's true and i'm sorry for sleeping around Keith i really am i also realize that i was being an asshole sleeping with other aliens while we are together and i'm happy that you stayed with me and told us about our baby

Keith: okay okay i forgive you but it's MY baby till i can trust you again okay

Lance: okay okay that makes sense but do you hate me now

Keith: really really are you kidding me Lance*Keith starts laughing*

Lance: what whats so funny

Keith: nothing just its funny for you two think i won't stay with you silly

Lance: well i don't know okay after everything i didn't know why you were hiding i thought you were breaking up with me that's why i was sleeping around

Keith: okay i get it i do i wonder when we are going to go back to earth

Lance: i don't know i would like my family to meet my mate

Keith: maybe you meet my whole family already

Lance:*looked confused for a second then it hit him* baby do you only have Adam and Shiro

Keith nodded and held his stomach like he let go he'll lose it if he let go and Lance looked at him not being able to relate to him

Lance: i'm sorry baby i didn't know that what happened to your parents if you mind me asking

Keith:*held his stomach a little tighter but not hurting the baby or anything* m-my d-dad and m-mom both left me then a-after that S-Shiro and A-Adam adopted me out of a very hurtful place

Lance: i'm so sorry you had to go thought that

Keith: it's okay Lance it all got though it all to end up here with you having this baby with you and my dads they raised me from when i was a baby

Lance: they raised you since you were a baby

Keith: yes i was the only baby their since every other baby was gone

Lance:wow ya so are you okay right now

Keith: yes i'm fine right now but i'm going to take a nap*he lied down and fell asleep*

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now