H-Hey babe can you come here

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Keith woke up and walked into the bathroom and did his morning routine which just was brushing his teeth and brushed his hair ears and tail and looked up in the mirror and was shocked of what he saw

Keith: H-Hey babe can you come here

Lance:*walked into the bathroom*  sure what is it baby oh my god what happened to you

Keith had purple splotches all over him even on his ears and tail

Lance: what happened to you   

Keith: I-I don't know i went to bed completely normal and i woke up like this i don't know what happened to me I-I don't know Lance w-whats going on i'm scared 

Lance: um lets not let Allura see you she might kill you we can't go to anyone else because they probably not know how to help so maybe Pidge she helped you the first time i think

Keith: well he he about that i haven't told anyone else besides you and Pidge i should tell my dads about my situation huh

Lance: that's what you choose if that is what you choose i support you

Keith: okay but we need to something first with my hair can you put it into a long braid for me please babe i don't like my hair being down

Lance: Sure i can before we go to Pidge to see if she can help you with this *he put his long hair into a long braid and tied it at the end with a hair tie and then looked at him* there you go baby now let's go see Pidge before Allura wakes up I know Hunk is in the kitchen doing something with food and Shiro is probably cuddling with Adam okay lets go now okay

Keith nodded softly and Lance and Keith walk out and walked it the lab to where Pidge is at and walked over and tapped her shoulder and she turned around

Pidge: Hey wwwwwwwwwwwhat is going on with him

Lance: we were here for you to tell us whats going on with him

Keith was messing with his sleeves and looking down with his hood on

Pidge: ya ya i can help i just need to know whats going on with him hes not looking at me so i don't know whats wrong with him to try and help him

Lance: he has purple splotches all over his body ears and tail and he's freaking out a lot and i don't know how to help him so i brought him here to see if you could see whats going on if you can

Pidge: sure i can look at him okay just um sit down i guess and we can talk are you guys sure you don't want me to get Allura she probably knows more about this than me

Keith: NO! please don't bring in Allura i'm sure she'll hate me I-I know it please don't ask her please

Lance and Pidge were shocked at Keith yelling and Pidge gave Lance a look saying can you give us a second alone and Lance left the room and left Pidge alone and sat with Keith

Pidge: whats wrong Keith why can't Allura come in and come in

Keith:b-because she'll will kill me i know it she hate garla people so I-I know she will hate me

Pidge: fair point but see i can only help so much Keith my special is tech on med stuff that stuff is Allura kind of thing so i can talk to her maybe she will i don't know Keith i'm not good at this stuff

Keith: i know i know i'm being dumb ill just go w-with lance she not as mean with him there i don't know why tho

Pidge: well if you need a talking buddy or help with something techie you know where to find me

Keith: ya thanks Pidge s-sorry for messing with you so much

Pidge just nodded and went back to something she was doing on the computer and Keith walked out and Lance lightly grabbed his shoulders

Lance: hey baby so what are we doing are we going to see Allura or not

Keith:*he nodded softly* can you come with she less mean to me when your there i don't know why tho

Lance: ya ya i want to know whats wrong  with you as well let's go okay

Keith nodded softly and Lance held Keith's hand as they walked into the med bay Allura,Shiro and Adam were already in there and Adam and Shiro were sitting on a med bed

Shiro: so he's okay right your saying that he's okay

Allura: Yes he's fine Shiro don't freak out he's fine

Adam: see baby i'm fine we should go so we don't annoy her 

Shiro: i know i was just worried and true we should go

Adam and Shrio walked out and Lance he walked over and tapped Allura shoulder

Lance: hey Allura can you look at something for me

Allura: sure what is it Lance *

Lance: there something wrong with Keith and i would like you to see whats wrong with him

Allura: sure where is he at

Lance: *he brought Keith over*so could you look at him for me please

Allura: sure Lance i can do that for you

Keith: L-Lance can you stay w-with me p-please

Lance: sure baby I'll stay with you don't worry

Keith smiled softly and nodded and held on to Keith held onto Lance's arm tightly as Allura took some blood after got him in a healing pod and ran some testes and Lance stayed there next to the healing pod the whole time almost like he was protecting Keith and growls softly if Allura did something he didn't like

Lance: soooooooo what are you doing i know your running testes on him but what testes are you doing to him also why is at sometimes i'm fine with you doing some testes but then again somethings i start to growl i think that's what it is

Allura: well first thing is you are growling that's a thing all alphas that have omegas do second i am doing a blood test that's why i took his blood earlier i am running testes on that and i put him in a pod for it scan her *Lance growls a little louder than before* i'm sorry "his" body for anything the blood testes don't tell me

3 hours later passed and Lance was in the same place he was three hours and holding on to Keith's jacket like it was the last thing he would ever get of Keith's and during those three hours Allura was running testes on her tablet and getting information form the pod on the second screen on the tablet 

Allura: Lance i have some news about Keith depending of how you see it it could be good or bad

Lance:well what is it

Allura: well ummm how do it say this Keith is somehow....

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now