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Allura: so i did that and it had the two parents names mother it said Keith Kogane and for the father is said Keith Kogane also*she said in a sad tone of voice*

Keith and Adam were shocked when she said that

Keith:WHAT HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE! THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE! GIVE ME T-THAT p-please *he said breaking down*

Allura gave him the tablet and Keith kept reading it waiting for it change to from father:Keith Kogane to father:Lance McClain he was holding it so tight waiting for it to change

Hours pass and Keith was still holding the tablet it's was dead it was just a black screen Adam slowly takes the tablet away from Keith and gave it to Allura Keith hugged Adam and cried into Adam's chest

Keith: but how how how!

Allura: Adam can you leave for a couple minutes please

Adam: sure i'll be right outside that door okay *he got up and stood outside the med bay door*

Half an hour later they were in still in there and Shiro Hunk Pidge and Lance were back Hunk went to the kitchen Pidge went to the tech room Shiro was looking around for Adam and Lance had a alien girl and too her to his room with the blue paint on the outside of the door

Adam: it's been a while and they are still there i hope he's okay

Shiro: *walked over and saw Adam standing their* Babe what are you doing you shouldn't be standing

Adam: i know i know it's just something with Keith

Shiro: are they okay

Adam: yes their fine baby where's Lance i need to talk to him

Shiro: i don't know i was the last one back everyone was gone

Adam: the one time i need him *the door opened and Adam and Shiro walked in and Adam walked over* how are you doing kiddo

Shiro: Allura whats going on i already know about Keith's pup

Allura pulled him into the back and told him what was going on

Shiro: how did he take it

Allura: i don't know

Shiro: i mean i don't know

Allura: i mean i don't know when i got done explaining it he was silent and asked for his papa dad daddy or papi

Shiro: thanks for telling me

Allura: no problem

Adam:*picked up Keith and walked over to Shiro* come on Shiro

Shiro: okay why are you carrying him

Adam: because now lets go

Shiro and Adam left and went to Shiro room and lied Keith down

Adam: can you go find Lance please

Shiro: yes i can

Adam: thank you baby

Shiro: no problem babe*he left to find Lance*

Adam:*he looked down and played with Keith's mullet* what am going to do with you

A couple hours later Shiro walked in with Lance then went to make a plan with Allura Keith was laughing with Adam and Adam had his hands on Keith stomach

Adam: wow pup your moving so much

Keith: ya and he does this while i'm trying to sleep

Lance:*smiled* hey baby how you doing

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now