H-Hey It's mama

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Keith:*gasped softly and looked down after feeling a huge gush of "water" * d-did my water just break the tub even isn't on *he got up and more "water"gush down his legs into the tub he got up and got dressed but when he was putting his hoodie than took a nap when he woke up a few hours later he felt a huge jolt of pain kinda like a very hard kick then grabbed onto the bed post tightly* G-God baby boy that hurts i know your still there

Lance:*he walked in and walked over to Keith* hey Keith baby you feeling okay

Keith: ya he was just kicked really hard all of the sudden which was weird

Lance: oh okay do you want to go on a walk by the shore for a while Luis is out there putting some fish in the lake do you want to go watch

Keith: ya sure i'm just wondering when my little pup is coming i want to meet him so badly

Lance: i know Keith i know lets go get your mind off of it for a while okay

Keith: sure lets go Lance*he bit his lip as he felt a strong pressure in his back*

Lance and Keith went out and meet up with Luis was out putting fish in the lake

Luis: hey there you three is that right anyways whats up you come to help me with the fish

Keith: no i just came out for a walk along the shore for a while

Lance: how much do you have left

Luis: well about 25 for food and 14 just for swimming around

Lance: hey Keith do you mind if i help him with the fish and I'll walk with you later is that okay

Keith: Lance i don't mind waking by myself you can help your brother*he faked a smile as he felt more sharp pressure in his back*

Lance walked over and helped Luis put fish in the lake as Keith walked off then walked inside and join Lisa on the couch

Lisa:*she looked over and saw the fake smile* hey cub whats with the fake smile

Keith:*he groaned and sat down next to Lisa* hey Lisa I've had this pressure in my back all day its been getting worse by the hour

Lisa: oh thats probably contractions which means your water has broken and it means your little cub is coming soon isn't that exciting cub

Keith: yes and no i'm scared about the pain i'll have to go thought to meet him

Lisa: we could go to the hospital if you want to do it here

Keith: NO! no hospital please can we just do it here

Lisa: ya we can do a water birth if you feel comfortable doing it their then on the bed

Keith: yes please can we do that

Lisa: sure when you need it we can get it ready

Keith: shouldn't we get it ready now you know since you said he coming

Lisa: it only take a few minutes to get ready and we would want to wait till your contractions are at least 5 minutes apart to get the bath going i have everything already in the bathroom its just been waiting for when we need them

Keith: its been every 40 minutes i-i g-guess every 35 minutes i...w-would get t-them *he said getting a contraction during talking* is it normal for them to get painful the closer you get you to when you have to start pushing

Lisa: yes its normal for that to happens it means everything is going along as normal so in a little bit you can start pushing for your baby

Keith gasped and grabbed his stomach "a-aahh!~ L-Lisa" He yelled out when a contraction hit

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now