Pidge please tell me your lying

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Pidge:So Keith What I'm saying is that some how your a girl now I don't how or what happened but your dna is saying your a girl galra now

Keith:*was in shock and starts crying*
P-Pidge tell me your lying right now please please tell me your lying

Pidge:I'm not look the first one I took it says Keith Kogane male and the one I just took today says Keith Kogane female

Keith:no no no I can't be oh my god lance isn't want to be with me he's going to break up with me

Pidge:Keith lance is bi he likes girls and boys so you'll be fine come here
Keith walked over and put his head on her lap and he lied there on the floor with his head on her lap

Pidge:Shh Shh Keith your fine everything fine shh clam down *she runs his hands though his hair trying to calm him down Keith fell asleep with tears that stained his cheeks*

A couple hours later Keith woke up and pidge was playing with his hair keeping him calm as he was sleeping

Keith:I'm sorry I fell asleep on you

Pidge:it's okay i just told some huge huge news so it's okay and I liked taking care of you or someone

Keith:You could take care of someone else or a kid

Keith gets up and pidge smiles also getting up he thanked her and told her to tell lance he was in there room and wandered to there room pidge walked into the kitchen

Pidge:hey guys umm lance Keith wanted you to meet him in your guys room

Lance:thanks Pidge I was wondering where he was

Lance smiled and walked into there room and Keith was nervous he could tell cause he was pacing the room

Lance:Baby are you okay Pidge said you wanted to tell me something

Keith:hi lance ya there is something I wanted to tell you but I'm scared to tell you

Lance:you can tell me anything I'll still love you

Keith and Lance moves to the bed Keith put his knees up to his chest

Keith:So you probably notice I look weird recently since we got back from that mission with the witch so something happened that we can't fix

Lance:baby what is it your scaring me what is it

Keith:I'm a g-girl I understand i-if you hate me now I kn-now this isn't w-what you wanted when you said y-you wanted to-o date me I-I-I

Keith voice was breaking and Lance was shocked of what he heard and he hugged Keith

Lance:yes this is a bit odd but it's fine I know it's a big change but that's doesn't mean I don't love you I still do love you I'll just have to get used to the new you I know you sneak out to red and fly her for a couple hours every night she still knows your her person

Keith was crying as Lance was talking and Lance held him close

Keith:So are you breaking up with me

Lance:no Keith I'm not breaking up with you I Why would I do that just cause your a girl no kitten I like you as a girl or a boy what else is different about you

Keith:Pidge said everything about me Is a girl except you know my head so what I'm saying is everything physically about me is a girl but everything mentally is the same

Lance:*he kissed Keith head* lie down and take a nap with me you had a hard day

Keith nodded so that what they did they lied down Keith held lance tightly as lance did the same Allura Pidge Hunk And Shiro were in the living room ish of the castle so like the biggest part

Shiro:Hey Pidge is everything thing okay with Keith he was worrying me earlier

Pidge:I know Shiro I know you worry yes he's fine just needed someone to talk to as he trained

Hunk:is there a recording I could listen to

Pidge no hunk there is no recording guys it was private just me and him okay *she starts working on something she was sending to Keith*

Shiro:thank you Pidge and yes Hunk let there private business be there private business

Pidge:Thank you Shiro okay im going to bed night *she got up and starts walking away*

Shiro:Wow you actually sleep Pidge that's new

Pidge:haha shut up Shiro *she went to hr room and passed out on her bed*

Hunk:I'm going to hit the hay as well night Shiro oh and are you going to bed anytime soon

Shiro:night hunk and yes I will go to bed soon I just have to do something

Hunk:are you still looking for him Shiro we're are going to find him

Shiro:I know but I just need him back soon I hope he's not hurt I mean Keith has lance pidge has her technology you have your cooking allura had the castle and the mice but I have no one or nothing special besides about me

Hunk:I know what that like be well fine him soon I promise go to bed you'll think better that way

Shiro:I'm fine I'll sleep when I find him I slept last night don't worry about me

Hunk:okay if you say so and your getting sleep we will find him *he hugged Shiro and went and fell asleep in bed*


Shiro:Hey Allura whats up

Allura: I need to show something

Shiro: okay sure let's go

Allura took Shiro to the the lions are held and Shiro noticed something about the person that's standing there

Shiro:*he starts tearing up* oh my god...

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now