I-Its not that bad right w-wheres my jacket that will cover it

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Keith: what's a few cuts r-right i-it's not that bad right *he said nervously and place the razor blade to his arm near his elbow and placed a cut and placed five more cuts one after another each one a little farther down than the others at the end he was crying* Y-Your fine Keith y-your fine just wrapped up your arms and go to bed y-your fine it's not like your a girl because you made a deal with a deal with a space witch to save a kid and their mother and now your boyfriend won't talk to you because you too had sex the other day and you don't know anything about females because the only women in your life is an alien and the other one is human but acts like a guy and I'm pretty sure it's trans but I don't want to amuse now i'm just mumbling to no one i-its not that bad right w-wheres my jacket that will cover it *he wrapped up his arm and grabbed his jacket put it on and theres was a knock on the door so he walked over and opened the door and pidge ad she pushed him in and locked the door*

Pigde: Keith where have you been the team has been looking for you

Keith: Pidge you mean Lance has been looking for me and he didn't know where i was

Pidge: okay ya Lance was looking for you he said that he heard you mumbling and he wanted to find you so he can talk because you want to talk to him about something

Keith:*rubbed the back of his neck* y-ya can you tell him its nothing i-i p-promise

Pidge: * she walked over to Keith and put her hand on his arm* Keith are you sure your okay i know your going though a lot just if you need someone to talk thats not Shiro or Lance you can always talk to me your like my brother or are you my sister

Keith: right back ya and i'm your brother so just tell lance i'm going to be in the training room if hes looking for he if not to busy flirting with an alien to care about me *he walked out and into the trainning room and starts fightign the level one bots*

Pidge: something wrong with him and he didnt tell me to get out so im going to look around *she starts looking around and walked into the bathroom and saw the bloody blade in the sink with blood stilling dripping off the blade* oh my god oh my god Keith what did he do *she texted Keith on these weird space phones they had* KEITH COME TO YOUR ROOM NOW BEFORE I CALL LANCE IN HERE AND YOU DONT WANT THAT*

Keith stopped the training bot and looked at his phone and ran to his room locked the door and saw Pidge in the bathroom and walked in

Keith:h-hey P-Pidge how you doing

Pidge: Keith im going to ask this once what did you do to yourself

Keith: i just cut myself while shaving

Pidge: if that's true then why is it only on one blade and its bloody that you cut yourself i understand your going thought but you shouldnt cut yourself becuse of it

Keith: Pidge im fine dont worry about me now dont you have some tech thing to work on *he said pissed and truing to get rid of Pidge*

Pidge: fine you dont want my help thats fine its not like your my only brother that i know is alive so im sorry if im worried about my only brother *she starts crying*

Keith: Pidge im so sorry im bad at this *he hugged her tightly*

Pidge:*hugged him back as she cried into his chest*

Keith took Pidge to his bed and they lied down normally she doesnt let this stuff happen but keith was kinda like her only family i know she has the team but her and keith has always been close since the garrison and he combed his hand though her hair trying to calm her down Lance heard crying coming form Keiths room so he walked in and saw pidge asleep in Keiths lap and he was combing her hair with his hand

Lance: Keith what is Pidge doing in your lap

Keith:well theres a lot behide that but it was stupid dumb mistake and i dont want you to be mad abour it

Lance: i promise not to be mad

Keith took off his jacket and unwrapped his arm and Lance saw the cuts on his arm

Lance: K-Keith w-what d-did y-you d-do t-to y-yourself

Keith: im so sorry i know its stupid im  so so sorry

Lance: aww kitten i know its stupid but i do need to fix your arm before you bleed out and im not having that and either the teared stained cheeks on pidge in your lap

Keith: i know i know but can we do it later because i have a sleeping pidge on my lap

Lance: ya ya we can do it later of course im going to clean up the bathroom i know it needs cleaned up *he went and cleaned up the bathroom and while that was going on pidge hugged keith and left*

Keith: does he hate me now I know I messed up but does he hate me *he grabbed his arms and more blood came out of his arm*

Lance:*walked outside and sat next to Keith and grabbed his hands and held it and put his other hand on Keith's cuts to stop the bleeding* Keith I will never hate you I might get a little mad but never hate you now can I help you fix up your arm it's bleeding

Keith looked down

Lance:what's wrong kitten

Keith: I-Its just that i feel like im messing everything up with and im so stupid so so stupid for this im so sorry *he starts crying*

Lance:*he hugged him tightly* its okay the only thing that we worry about now is that your arm let me clean up and wrap up your arm so you can get some sleep*he walked him ad keith to the bathroom* can i help you kitten

Keith:y-yes you can

Lance smiled softly and pours cleaner on Keith's arm and starts cleaning his arm

Keith: G-GAH! that hurts!

Lance:I know I know but not to be mean but you did do this and you didn't clean it right

Keith:shut up Lance!

Lance:*finished cleaning and wrapped his arm and kissed his arm* there fixed now lets get you to bed okay kitten

Keith silently nodded and Lance picked him up and took him and they lied down in bed Keith was asleep in Lances arms and Lance was combing his hand thought Keith's hair

Lance takes out his phone and goes to his photos and...

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now