Red why are we here

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Lance and Hunk walked down to the pods and all the pods were there none were missing so they walked downed to the lions and saw that all the lions were there but the red lion was gone

Lance: w-where is he w-where is red why isn't they here

Hunk: Lance calm down nothing wrong

Lance: nothing wrong! Hunk my boyfriend and my baby are gone Hunk!

Hunk:*grabbed Lance's shoulders tightly and shook him a little* Lance! look at me

Lance was shocked but looked at him in the eyes

Hunk: Lance calm down this happens almost all the time don't worry hold on i'm texting Red give me a second *he went on his phone and starts texting Red*

Lance: how what i'm confused why do you have Red number

Hunk: because Red will text me and tell me if Keith wants something to eat without waking me up cause he would feel bad if he did *he said not looking up from his phone while texting Red*

Lance: really wow okay that makes sense why he gone some nights

Hunk: ya so Keith is asleep inside Red and Red said that Keith will be hungry when he comes back okay so he will be back in a little bit okay Lance just sit and wait okay

Keith:*he woke up and looked outside* Red why are we here

Red: because Kit i thought you might like it i saw your were stressed thinking about going back to earth so i brought us here

Red: because Kit i thought you might like it i saw your were stressed thinking about going back to earth so i brought us here

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Keith:*he smiled* its so pretty Red how did you know this calmed me down when i'm stressed

Red: well we have been together for 3 years so i know you pretty well okay

Keith: ya that's true we should get back Lance is probably worried about me

Red: ya we should okay lets go we are only 5 minutes away from the castle do you want to go back to sleep or stay awake

Keith got up and drove Red back to the castle

Hunk and Lance were still waiting as Red and Keith were pulling up and Keith walked out and kissed her nose then walked over to Lance and Hunk left back to the control room

Keith: hey Lance *he rubbed his arm like he was scared

Lance: Baby you scared me i didn't know where you went and when i went to see if your lion was here and it wasn't here and i got scared and stressed but mostly scared

Keith:i know you were stressed and scared i was stressed so stressed that i didn't sleep last night because i was scared of what your mother would think about me and my pup

Lance: i know you were scared i could you hear you talking to yourself last night

Keith: i know that too Lance i am just worried what if your mother or your Nona doesn't approve of me i heard stories of your Nona from Hunk what if she doesn't like me or what if your mother hates me

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now