Hey Kiddo

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A couple hours later Lance woke Keith up after allura left

Lance:Keith baby wake up

Keith:hmmm what is it

Lance:I think there might be someone in the Ned bay that you might know

Keith:*he smiled softly* really who is it

Lance: I don't know do you want to go and see who it is

Keith: yes I really want to see who it is

Lance:okay let's go

Keith and lance got up and walked into the med bay and then Keith starts crying

Keith:Adam is that you... 

Adam:*looked over at the Keith* Hey kiddo you look different and you seem to get yourself a guy

Keith ran over and hugged him tightly and crying into his shoulder

Adam:*he chuckled and hugged back tightly putting his hand on Keith's upper back and the back of Keith's head*i'm right here Keith i don't need you crying on me too i had Shiro crying on me when he saw me too

Adam smiled at Shiro and Keith was crying like a kid into Adam's shoulder

Adam: Keith calm down it's okay i know you missed me but its okay i'm okay just a side wound

Keith:*he pulled back softly and  looked up at Adam with his puffy eyes* I-I'm sorry....i got your shirt wet

Adam:it's okay its just a shirt it will dry so who is the guy you got

Lance:*he walked over to the bed where Shiro Adam and Keith was* hi i'm Lance Keiths boyfriend

Keith looked down with his face beet red from blushing and crying

Adam: hi Lance i'm Adam Keiths dad so that might help a bit 

Lance:that explains a lot i was a little confused of what was happening

Keith:s-sorry baby for not explaining anything i haven't seen him on a long time

Adam:yes it has so whats new with you besides Lance

Keith:nothing much else where have you been all this time

Adam:well after Shiro left a while later i took a ship myself up when they said they lost you and the kid that was with you so a 11 or 12 months later i got capture and then you know what happen after that then i came here and now we are now

Keith: Adam that sounds horrible Adam can i ask you something

Adam: sure kiddo what do you want to ask me

Keith: shiro is like my brother so does that make you my brother in law

Adam: almost we not married yet hey shiro you want to know something funny

Shiro: sure what's funny

Adam: we forgot to get married *he chuckles*

Shiro:*he chuckles also* ya we forgot to do that we should do that soon

Adam: ya we should to that soon

Lance:*whispers to Keith* let them plan their wedding

Keith:* whispers back to lance* okay baby *he looked at  Adam and Shiro* we are going to get going and you have a wedding to plan

Lance: and Adam im happy your back i've never seen Shiro so happy

Adam: well thats great im so glad that i can make you happy Shiro

Shio: well its true baby boy~

Adam:so i can make you happier~

Keith: Lance lets leave before we see something you dont want to see

Lance:ya lets go we will see you later

Lance and Keith walked out Keith walked to the training room with Pidge and Lance went to living room with Allura and Hunk

Allura: hey Lance how is Adam and Shiro

Lance: their good but their planning something and their were flirting so i wouldn't do look or go in there if I was you

Hunk: okay I'm going to go work on some food for later because there's an extra person here

Keith was standing in the corner by the door and shiro stood next to him and lance was a couple feet in front of him talking to Pidge

Keith: *Keith was nervous but he wanted to ask Lance something important* L-Lance c-can I-I t-talk t-to y-you f-for a-a m-minute *lance didn't hear him because he was talking so softly  that only Shiro could hear him and his voice starts to break when Lance didn't hear him** T-That's o-okay L-Lance I-I-I u-u-understand g-g-good n-n-night S-S-Shiro s-see y-you t-tomorrow

Shiro said good night not thinking much and Keith walked off to his room locking the door

Shiro: *he walked in the kitchen* hey hunk can we talk about something

Hunk: ya sure what do you want to talk about

Shiro: was Keith acting weird earlier

Hunk: ya when he was walking to I think his room he was mumbling and crying because he asked me if me and pidge were together I obviously said no because I'm dating Shay then he smiled softly and walked out

Shiro: hunk do you think Keith is depressed

Hunk: why would you say that Shiro *he asked Shiro with a confused look*

Shiro: well you just said that he asked you if you and pidge were dating and he try talking to lance but he was talking really soft like you could barely hear him and lance didn't hear him so he walked out so I don't know and I'm a little worried

Hunk: I understand that Shiro but also he going though a lot also he literally just found out he's a girl and he just tired to talk to his boyfriend and Lance kept talking to Pidge now are we kept going to talk about about Keith or are you going to go help him

Shiro:help who exactly Hunk

Hunk: how dumb are you are you going to help Keith

Shiro: I'm not dumb and I want to help him but I know he isn't going to help me

Hunk sighed knowing Shiro was right and Keith was not doing any better he locked himself in his bathroom while his bedroom door and he looked st the razor blade for Lances razor that he broke

Keith: what's a few cuts r-right i-it's not that bad right *he said nervously and...

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now