Oh my god...

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Shiro:*he starts tearing up* oh my god Adam I-I thought you were gone *he starts mumbling*

Adam:*he went over and hugged Shiro while holding his side* You didn't lose me I'm right here thank you friends they saved me from that horrible garla rink I see you got a bit beat up

Shiro:*he hugged back tightly*you were sent to that rink too a-are you okay why are you holding your side

Adam:ya I was sent there too and it's a cut on my side it's kinda bad *shows him a huge cuts going across his side while blood runs down his side*

Shiro:oh my god babe come with me we hav-have to get you clean up please

Adam:I'm fine Shiro calm down let's go

Allura took Adam and got the cuts on his side and other cuts and bruises cleaned and bandage up

Allura:Please please don't do anything dumb for a bit Keith mostly doesn't understand that you have to wait and heal before you can train again

Adam:I understand that wait Keith is here like my Keith that was in love with space

Shiro:*he walked over and wrapped his arm around his waist and kissed his head* yes Adam that Keith he's here can I bring him here if that okay with Allura she is the owner of the med bay

Adam:I know I should rest but I can I see him it's been forever

Allura:sure but tell him to be careful

Allura kissed his cheek and walked out and walked to Keith and Lances room And she walked in their room

Allura:Hey lance is he asleep

Lance:Yea he is

Allura I heard you two yelling earlier is okay with you two

Lance:ya were okay what did you need Keith for if you don't mind me asking

Allura:oh there is just someone here that he might know

Lance: okay allura thanks i will tell him when he wakes up hey allura can i ask you something its been bugging me

Allura: sure lance what is it

Lance: well i know you don't like Keith but why do you hate him i was just wondering why you hate him so much

Allura: well you know how Keith is a girl now and he can have kids and well when he was a guy he could bare kids so either way he can have kids and i can't have kids and i'm a little jealous that he can have kids i guess that was it and i may of tierd to kill his stomach and cover it in cuts and bruises so he could ahve kids i know it was mean

Lance: YOU DID WHAT *he sighed but still pissed* i understance why your jealous but that dosent give you the right to do what you were doing you understand how pissed i am at this right

Allura: i understand that but im sorry i wasnt thinking right im so sorry  

A couple hours later Lance woke Keith up after allura left

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now