Your fine Kit you don't have to worry

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Keith: oh okay thank you Allura*he got up and walked outside of the med room then walked down to the lions and sat inside red* hey girl i hope you don't mind me sitting in here

Red lion is speaking in Keith's head: your fine Kit you don't have to worry okay i will protect you and the pup don't worry okay

Keith: thanks Red do you have a little area i could in

Red:*opens a little area that shows a bed with pillows and blankets with a stuffed hippo on the bed* there go you Kit i'll keep people out and keep you and the pup safe

Keith:*got up and went over and lied down in the bed* thanks Red *he fell asleep*

Red smiled and closed her mouth and stayed on guard the whole time

Hunk was putting cookies in the oven and looked at Pidge after putting the oven mitts on the counter

Pidge: what are you stressed about now Hunk

Hunk: i'm not stressed Pidge

Pidge: Hunk you been baking fro the last 3 hours

Hunk: and your point is Pidge

Pidge: what are you stressed about Hunk

Hunk: just that the three of us left without warning 5 years ago and my mom is probably going to kill me

Pidge: you lived with Lance and his family

Hunk: i know she probably going to kill me and Lance for leaving without telling her

Pidge: probably but my mom will just slap me then hug me

Hunk: that makes sense with your mom

Pidge: she will just be more happy than anything than after you guys get home she will talk your ear off for hours and hours

Hunk: that's true Pidge your mom wouldn't let you out till you turn 18

Pidge: true but i'm 18 now so she might keep me till i'm 21

Hunk: that's true i feel like we have been saying that's true a lot

Pidge: ya we have been saying that a lot

Hunk cleans the bowl and starts making banana bread

Pidge:*sighed moved her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose* Hunk what are you making now Hunk

Hunk: well Pidge i'm making banana bread now Pidge because my mother might kill me

Pidge: she wouldn't kill you she will just talk your and Lance's ears off for hours and hours

Hunk: ya go ask if anyone if they want any cookies or banana bread when its done

Pidge:*she got up and walked into the living room* hey guys

Shiro and Lance looked at Pidge

Lance and Shiro: hey Pidge

Pidge: hey Hunk wanted to know if you guys wanted some cookies or banana bread when done with it

Lance: i'll have come cookies

Shiro: i'll take some banana bread when its done

Pidge: okay i'll bring it out when its done *she walked into the kitchen and sat at the counter*

Hunk: so what did they say Pidge

Pidge: Lance wants cookies Shiro wants banana bread Adam is asleep on Shiro's lap and I don't know where Keith is since this morning when we all ate together

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now